DUESSEL­DORF, GER­MANY — APRIL 27: Dav­id Zim­mer­mann (Man­aging Dir­ect­or Bre­uninger Düs­sel­dorf), Lisa Hahn­bück, Hol­ger Bleck­er (CEO Bre­uninger), Ann-Kath­rin Götze, Andreas Rebbelmund (Man­aging Dir­ect­or Bre­uninger Düs­sel­dorf) and Rabea Schif dur­ing the Bre­uninger ground­floor lux­us open­ing on April 27, 2023 in Duessel­dorf, Ger­many. (Photo by Fran­ziska Krug/Getty Images for Bre­uninger Duesseldorf)
DUESSEL­DORF, GER­MANY — APRIL 27: dur­ing the Bre­uninger ground­floor lux­us open­ing on April 27, 2023 in Duessel­dorf, Ger­many. (Photo by Fran­ziska Krug/Getty Images for Bre­uninger Duesseldorf)

Over 600 guests at the fash­ion and life­style com­pany Bre­uninger Düsseldorf 

New lux­ury and beauty area on the ground floor

POS­TED BY ALEX IWAN, 08. Mai 2023

The fash­ion and life­style com­pany Bre­uninger Düs­sel­dorf invited over 600 guests to an even­ing event. The reas­on to cel­eb­rate? The newly designed lux­ury & beauty area on the ground floor.

After a gradu­al con­ver­sion, vis­it­ors can now shop the latest lux­ury trends on 1,800 square metres of sales space. Among oth­ers, Saint Laurent and Celine can now show their col­lec­tions in twice the space and Givenchy, Valentino, Rimowa, MCM, Dolce & Gab­bana and Chloé also present their latest trends in a new and eleg­ant ambi­ence. Innov­at­ive con­cepts such as the Etropía Pop-Up by Etro can also be dis­covered. A high­light is the Span­ish lux­ury brand LOEWE, a new­comer. The beauty area has also changed. On 1,200 square metres, everything revolves around the theme of beauty. There are also new shops here: Tom Ford, La Prair­ie, Sen­sai, Dip­tyque, Byredo, Aqua di Parma, MFK, Creed, Amou­age, Rituals and — exclus­ively in Düs­sel­dorf — Le Labo present them­selves in a mod­ern design.

The tour of the area was music­ally accom­pan­ied by DJ Wolfram Amadeus and Linda 0711. Between the cham­pagne recep­tion, culin­ary high­lights and Eduard’s Pop-Up Bar, guests were able to mar­vel at the new looks of the sea­son dur­ing a fash­ion present­a­tion. In addi­tion to Bre­uninger CEO Hol­ger Bleck­er, Andreas Rebbelmund and Dav­id Zim­mer­mann, both Man­aging Dir­ect­ors of Bre­uninger Düs­sel­dorf, the guests included: Dr. Bar­bara Sturm, Ann-Kath­rin Götze and Lisa Hahn­bück, Yas­mina Filali and the presenters Rabea Schif and Stephanie Brungs.