A shop win­dow becomes a dance stage! The fash­ion and life­style com­pany Bre­uninger Düs­sel­dorf and the Bal­lett am Rhein have formed an extraordin­ary cul­tur­al col­lab­or­a­tion: In the curved shop win­dows of the icon­ic Kö-Bogen, designed by the New York star archi­tect Daniel Libe­s­kind, dan­cers from the Bal­lett am Rhein per­formed cho­reo­graph­ies cre­ated spe­cific­ally for this event by Wun Sze Chan and Daniel Smith. Along the fifty-meter-long shop win­dow front in the Düs­sel­dorf flag­ship store, the floor was covered with a spe­cial dance floor, trans­form­ing it into a large dance area for the dancers.

“Events by the Opera and Bal­let am Rhein at pop­u­lar loc­a­tions in the city reflect our com­mit­ment to provid­ing spon­tan­eous and access­ible access to music and dance. That’s why I’m delighted about the innov­at­ive col­lab­or­a­tion with Bre­uninger as our dir­ect neigh­bor,” emphas­izes Prof. Chris­toph Mey­er, Gen­er­al Dir­ect­or of the Deutsche Oper am Rhein. The shop win­dows in the Kö-Bogen, usu­ally cre­at­ively designed exhib­i­tion spaces for innov­at­ive fash­ion and life­style trends, turned into a stage for unex­pec­ted dance exper­i­ences dur­ing shop­ping, with a total of five slots.

In an atmo­sphere that com­bined dance with urb­an life, the com­pany mem­bers Cam­illa Agra­so, Paula Alves, Yoav Bosid­an, Philip Hand­schin, Samuel López Leg­aspi, Marco Nestola, Dukin Seo, Court­ney Skal­nik, Kauan Soares, Imo­gen Wal­ters, and Long Zou per­formed. The per­form­ances were accom­pan­ied by spe­cially placed speak­ers inside and out­side the build­ing. “Bre­uninger is not just a fash­ion and life­style com­pany – we see ourselves as an integ­ral part of the city. There­fore, it is import­ant to us to address all the con­cerns of the city and share the beau­ti­ful things of life on a loc­al level with the people of Düs­sel­dorf. This nat­ur­ally includes the import­ant art and cul­ture scene of the city. We want to cre­ate some­thing in Düs­sel­dorf that has not exis­ted in this form before,” says Andreas Rebbelmund, Man­aging Dir­ect­or of Bre­uninger Düsseldorf.

Bal­let dir­ect­or and chief cho­reo­graph­er Demis Volpi: “We want to con­nect with the people in the city in a very dir­ect and sur­pris­ing way. The Bal­lett am Rhein with its 45 dan­cers is part of the city’s soci­ety and wants to be present bey­ond the stages, even to pique the curi­os­ity of those who may not have come into close con­tact with dance before. Wun Sze Chan and Daniel Smith are two exper­i­enced dan­cer per­son­al­it­ies and cho­reo­graph­ers from our own ranks who have cre­ated an extraordin­ary bal­let for this spe­cial place.”


Foto: Probe im Bal­letthaus für „Bre­uninger meets Bal­lett am Rhein“: Andreas Rebbelmund (Geschäfts­führ­er Bre­uninger Düs­sel­dorf), Demis Volpi (Direk­t­or und Chef­cho­reo­graph Bal­lett am Rhein), Dav­id Zim­mer­mann (Geschäfts­führ­er Bre­uninger Düs­sel­dorf), Daniel Smith (Cho­reo­graph), Wun Sze Chan (Cho­reo­graph­in), Ensemble Bal­lett am Rhein © Daniel Sen­zek and below © Ast/Jürgens