Between cat­walk and celebrities

This is how the DFD sum­mer will be


Cast off for next year’s sum­mer fash­ion. “So far, we have always cel­eb­rated big in Ber­lin. But this time we want to show the flag for Düs­sel­dorf. After two Corona years, the city has asser­ted itself as a stable, reli­able busi­ness loc­a­tion. This is where we have our show­room and where we sell our col­lec­tions,” says Feli­citas Gut­jahr of fash­ion man­u­fac­turer Riani. “And because the Blue Rhaps­ody ship also fits to our brand, we are invit­ing people to a fash­ion fest­iv­al on the Rhine.”

On Sat­urday even­ing, the float­ing loc­a­tion will weigh anchor for a cruise event, and it will do so in front of the glow­ing Kir­mes. Around 400 invited guests are expec­ted. The celebrity dens­ity is remark­able: Nat­alia Wörner, Bar­bara Beck­er, Cathy Hum­mels, Bella Les­nik and Frauke Ludowig, among oth­ers, will gath­er on the red car­pet. Rebecca Immanuel, ali­as Sonja Zim­mer from the series “Ber­g­dok­t­or,” has agreed to appear, as well as act­ress Caro Cult. The influ­en­cers Anna Hiltrop and Gitta Banko will rep­res­ent Düs­sel­dorf. Riani is plan­ning a fash­ion install­a­tion on all levels of the ship, where inter­na­tion­ally known mod­els will present the fash­ion high­lights on podi­ums. Music­ally, the band Par­al­lel, sing­er Leony and the duo Sax­ity will be part of the party. DJane 2Elements and DJ Dav­id Puen­tez will set the mood. 

Düs­sel­dorf scores with numer­ous net­work­ing events

For the first time, a num­ber of events with a large audi­ence will be held around the Düs­sel­dorf Fash­ion Days: start­ing with the “fireside chat” in the Sans­ibar, a cock­tail recep­tion on the Plaza at Karl-Arnold-Platz and the after-work drinks at Apro­pros, to the media fash­ion din­ner in the “New Para­dise” and the InStyle Lounge. Dur­ing the Düs­sel­dorf Fest­iv­al Edi­tion, it’s also Sun­down­er time at Kö-Bogen on Sat­urday, start­ing at 1 p.m.

At the invit­a­tion of the Fash­ion Net asso­ci­ation, the largest industry get-togeth­er will cel­eb­rate its premiere at the Rhein­ter­rassen. Ibiza feel­ing and the cas­u­al-loose Boho style will expect the 700 invited guests on Sunday even­ing. Influ­en­cers such as Alex­an­dra Lapp, Mrs. Bella, Ann-Kath­rin Götze and the presenters Ver­ena Kerth and Prin­cess Elna-Mar­gret zu Ben­theim are on the top-class guest list along­side decision-makers from the fash­ion industry. In sum­mery tem­per­at­ures, QVC will provide the neces­sary refresh­ment with a soft ice cream stand, and guests can have their lip­stick and found­a­tion touched up in the Seph­ora Beauty Lounge.

For the finale of the party series on the upcom­ing Monday, fash­ion man­u­fac­turer Bugatti Hold­ing Brink­mann will come up trumps in a big way. “Today, Tomor­row, Togeth­er” will be the motto when the company’s 75th anniversary is duly cel­eb­rated in the case­mates at the Unter­er Rhein­werft with a fash­ion show at sun­set, live music and culin­ary delights. 350 guests are invited, one cus­tom­er is even join­ing from South Africa.

Foto­cre­d­it: Seba­tian Brüll