Bre­uninger and the Düs­sel­dor­fer EG are again a strong team in 2016

Since 2014, there has been a strong part­ner­ship between Bre­uninger and the Düs­sel­dor­fer EG. Again this year, the fash­ion and life­style com­pany oper­at­ing all over Ger­many presents itself as a team part­ner and offi­cial sup­pli­er in this very suc­cess­ful ice-hockey sea­son 2015/16.

With­in the frame­work of the cooper­a­tion, Bre­uninger has again provided the whole team of the eight-time Ger­man Cham­pi­on with top-qual­ity suits by the brand JOOP!