Sea­son Open­ing | Bre­uninger Fash­ion Cat­walk am Kö-Bogen | Foto: Ast/Juergens

Sea­son kick-off at Kö-Bogen 2023 

Bre­uninger Sea­son Open­ing / Fash­ion Catwalk

Togeth­er with Bre­uninger, Kö-Bogen once again hos­ted the sen­sa­tion­al Bre­uninger Fash­ion Walk for one week­end. Mod­els presen­ted the new autumn/winter looks and trends of the fash­ion and life­style com­pany Bre­uninger on a spec­tac­u­larly staged float­ing open air run­way on the water at Hofgarten. There was also late night shop­ping, drinks, food trucks, com­pet­i­tions, DJs and live music. Fash­ion enthu­si­asts, onlook­ers and the press met for this very spe­cial event highlight.

Foto­cre­d­it: Ast/Jürgens