Bre­uninger sup­ports the Chris­toph Met­zeld­er Foundation

With­in the frame­work of the first Bre­uninger Fash­ion Show for the CPD in Janu­ary, the fash­ion and life­style com­pany hos­ted a char­ity raffle for the Chris­toph Met­zeld­er Found­a­tion. After the show fea­tur­ing inspir­ing high­lights from the col­lec­tion and prom­in­ent guests, the vis­it­ors had the oppor­tun­ity to buy a raffle tick­et from well-known dona­tion angels, and thereby become eli­gible to win attract­ive prizes such as a Bre­uninger shop­ping cer­ti­fic­ate or a din­ner with Chris­toph Met­zeld­er and doing a good deed at the same time. Thus, a sum of 6,000 Euros in dona­tions was raised on this evening.