Shop­ping Düs­sel­dorf Style



I am stand­ing on the fore­court of the Kö-Bogen in the most beau­ti­ful sunny weath­er. I look towards the hori­zon and lose myself in the reflec­tions of the impress­ive Daniel Libe­s­kind build­ing. Before I com­pletely get car­ried away by my thoughts, a loud laughter awakens me from my archi­tec­tur­al dreams.

Three illus­tri­ous ladies have met under the impos­ing para­sols for a glass of French spark­ling wine. The trio is per­fectly styled. Even though their hand­bags have been placed on the table, I can tell which cre­ation belongs to which lady. Everything is just right in terms of col­or, shape and style. This is prob­ably their aper­itif for the day –“shop­ping Düs­sel­dorf style”. I also treat myself with a glass of cham­pagne, enjoy the col­or­ful hustle and bustle at the bar and stroll on towards the Hofgarten. Espe­cially from here the build­ing of the star archi­tect looks iconic.

As soon as the weath­er per­mits, tour­ists and loc­als alike enjoy culin­ary delights and an Aper­ol Spritz at the top Itali­an res­taur­ant and bar Poc­cino. Today I’m in the mood to pamper myself and cel­eb­rate the sun­shine with an ice cream from Man­zoni Gelato – with fresh and sweet straw­ber­ries as top­ping. I take a seat on the steps with a per­fect view on the Hofgarten. The Steigen­ber­ger Park-Hotel, vis-à-vis to the Kö-Bogen, appears in grace­ful grandeur. It is excep­tion­al here, that much is certain.

In addi­tion to the culin­ary delights, count­less shop­ping oppor­tun­it­ies, ran­ging from high-end fash­ion at Bre­uninger and Co., to lux­ury chro­no­met­ers at Rüschen­beck or the latest tech­no­logy gad­gets at Apple, invite you to let your cred­it card glow. No mat­ter wheth­er you travel by train, on foot, by bicycle or care­free by car to the premi­um under­ground car park, many roads lead to the Kö-Bogen and give you the feel­ing of hav­ing spent a few hours on vacation