25 times hap­pi­ness on four wheels

POS­TED BY ALEX IWAN, 20. July 2023

The clas­sic car parade at  Kö-Bogen con­sisted of 25 beau­ti­ful design icons and are the vis­it­ors’ favour­ites at the Libe­s­kind build­ings. With their highly pol­ished bod­ies, the dec­ades-old design objects are con­vin­cing and not only make car enthu­si­asts beam.

Wheth­er it was the Mer­cedes con­vert­ible from 1939 or the 63-year-old Fer­rari, the jet-black Mor­gan or the cof­fee-brown coupé 380 SLC mod­el from 1981, the white Porsche Turbo Targa, built in 1989 — under the motto “Kö Bogen loves Clas­sic Cars”, guests and the curi­ous gathered and cel­eb­rated in Breuninger’s Eduard’s Bar. In addi­tion to the Art ‑Invest team led by Andreas Stolz, the event was hos­ted by man­aging dir­ect­or Bernhard Kerkloh, who organ­ised the meet­ing for the second time togeth­er with his Movendi team.thusiasten beam.

The fas­cin­a­tion for his­tor­ic cars is indi­vidu­al: Some vis­it­ors are thrilled by the rich his­tory of clas­sic cars and admire the ground­break­ing advances that have been made over the dec­ades. Oth­ers appre­ci­ate the extraordin­ary design, the refined details and the tech­nic­al mas­ter­pieces that go into each vehicle. The scene of car col­lect­ors in NRW and Düs­sel­dorf has been first-class for years, and so col­lect­ors and enthu­si­asts from the sur­round­ing towns and cit­ies came togeth­er at this event to be able to present their mobile works of art. This almost tra­di­tion­al event offers all vis­it­ors a unique oppor­tun­ity to exper­i­ence the his­tor­ic clas­sic cars up close and to talk to the proud owners.