Inga Klaassen at the kick-off press con­fer­ence on the roof of Kö-Bogen 

Düs­sel­dorf cel­eb­rates fash­ion

Shop­ping Day on 24 July 2021 in Düsseldorf


Düs­sel­dorf cel­eb­rates fash­ion and the fash­ion busi­ness.
With the Düs­sel­dorf fash­ion Days, DFD for short, there will be a shop­ping day with many pro­mo­tions and exten­ded open­ing hours in the city on 24 July. These include the DFD Lounge, vari­ous even­ing events, art and cul­tur­al activ­it­ies and retail­er pro­mo­tions such as pop-up stores, win­dow dis­plays and open-air pos­ing plat­forms.
König­sallee has always been a focal point for shop­ping enthu­si­asts and also enjoys enorm­ous pop­ular­ity as a photo motif. Placed at prom­in­ent loc­a­tions on the Kö, one-metre plat­forms — the so-called pos­ing plat­forms — make it pos­sible to cap­ture the shop­ping exper­i­ence in a spe­cial way. In addi­tion, pop-up shop win­dows will set the scene for Schad­ow­platz and the sur­round­ing König­sallee from 22 to 25 July. The show­cases can be freely designed by the retail­ers and whisk pass­ers-by away into art­fully designed fash­ion worlds. The AMD Hoch­schule für Mode und Design, Unique, Change Linger­ie and Rolf Buck will be there with all kinds of curi­os­it­ies from his cult second-hand shop Vas­el­ine.
The most import­ant day for shop­ping and cul­ture enthu­si­asts as well as retail­ers is Sat­urday, 24 July with the so-called “Shop­ping Day” — exten­ded open­ing hours until 10 pm. 120 regis­tra­tions from retail, gast­ro­nomy as well as gal­ler­ies and hotels with inspir­ing activ­a­tions ensure an order week with fest­iv­al char­ac­ter, from which not only the nation­al busi­ness pub­lic but also tour­ists and the people of Düs­sel­dorf will bene­fit. The crown­ing glory of the “Shop­ping Day” will be an art­fully staged water pro­jec­tion that vis­it­ors can mar­vel at along König­sallee and the Kö-Bogen as dusk falls. All activ­it­ies have been coordin­ated with the Düs­sel­dorf reg­u­lat­ory author­it­ies and will be adap­ted to the Corona Pro­tec­tion Ordin­ance depend­ing on the infec­tion situation.