Kö-Bogen FAces

THREE QUES­TIONS TODr. Andreas Maurer, Man­aging Dir­ect­or & Seni­or Part­ner, Boston Con­sult­ing Group (BCG)


BCG und Kö-Bogen are a good match — why?

The The Kö-Bogen is a sym­bol of pos­it­ive change and new begin­nings in the city, just as it is a sym­bol of mod­ern and innov­at­ive con­struc­tion. As a man­age­ment con­sultancy, BCG is also an ini­ti­at­or of change and innov­a­tion, which is why we decided to move into this new land­mark building..

What do you per­son­ally like best about the Kö-Bogen?

The impress­ive archi­tec­ture coupled with the extremely attract­ive loc­a­tion in the middle of the city nev­er fails to inspire us. My per­son­al high­light is the roof ter­race with a fant­ast­ic view of the city where we hope­fully can hold events in the future again.

How do you enjoy your lunch break?

By hav­ing lunch on the ter­race of Poc­cino, fol­lowed by a short walk through Hofgarten or win­dow shop­ping on the way back to the office.