Yes, of course! At Kö-Bogen, 25 vis­it­ors of the IRE|BS Real Estate Academy, cor­por­ate pro­gramme of DZ Hype, had their own guided tour at Kö-Bogen. Marco Koch, Art-Invest, was the Kö-Bogen guide and focused on “Sus­tain­ab­il­ity / ESG”. ESG top­ics are top­ics for the future that the Kö-Bogen has already integ­rated, but also takes up again and again and is always devel­op­ing fur­ther. In the almost 3‑hour tour, the ele­ments “Pub­lic Book­case” and “Dan­cing at the Kö-Bogen” stand for years of com­mit­ment in the social sec­tor. The typ­ic­al façade green­ing by star archi­tect Daniel Libe­s­kind and his “Cuts” are an excel­lent example of how liv­ing and CO₂-stor­ing green­ery was already used as an integ­rat­ive build­ing com­pon­ent in a for­ward-look­ing way almost 10 years ago. Since then, many nat­ive plants have taken up res­id­ence in the façade of the five float­ing gar­dens at König­sallee 2. Over the past few years, a small city zoo has been cre­ated on the Kö-Bogen roof in cooper­a­tion with the NABU (Nature and Biod­iversity Con­ser­va­tion Uni­on): between swifts and insect colon­ies, there is a hive of activ­ity on the roof. There, the anim­al inhab­it­ants enjoy the peace and quiet in the middle of the city — in their spe­cially made “insect and bird hotels”.

Build­ing ser­vices — an import­ant point on the tour, because the level of digit­al­isa­tion of the Kö-Bogen’s extens­ive con­trol pro­cesses is com­plex. The Kö-Bogen is pure high-tech, e.g. soft­ware solu­tions for oper­a­tion­al optim­isa­tion and oth­er meas­ures in the FM area. Andreas Stolz, Asset Man­age­ment Kö-Bogen, was pleased with the vis­it­ors and con­vinced them with excit­ing insights into the his­tory, urb­an devel­op­ment and diverse use of the EGS build­ing Kö-Bogen in Düsseldorf.