Every­one wants vin­tage, but where can you find the nearest second-hand store? The design­er hand­bag still lies unworn in the cup­board and the price tag still hangs on it? Bre­uninger has recog­nised the vin­tage trend and already imple­men­ted it in Düsseldorf’s Kö-Bogen. Reverse retail is the new magic word. Buddy&Selly, an online shop for vin­tage cloth­ing, and VitEn­Vogue are behind it with their busi­ness mod­el. Buddy&Selly takes over the pur­chase of vin­tage cloth­ing and VitEn­Vogue the sale: win-win for a good cause. The prin­ciple is simple: cus­tom­ers bring their well-pre­served design­er cloth­ing and accessor­ies to the cus­tom­er ser­vice depart­ment set up for the Kö-Bogen, which eval­u­ates and sells the items.
With Vin­tage, you get the chance to buy unique design­er treas­ures. Accord­ing to a BCG study, second-hand only accounts for about two per­cent of the fash­ion mar­ket, but if you’re look­ing for unique pieces and want to shop in an envir­on­ment­ally con­scious way without con­stantly buy­ing newly pro­duced tex­tiles, this is the place to go. With pre­vi­ously worn cloth­ing, you can fill your ward­robe with high-qual­ity design­er treas­ures and save money at the same time. Because these are cheap­er second-hand than the new goods in the store. In addi­tion, the gar­ments are a lot more sus­tain­able than fast-fash­ion cloth­ing. When it comes to high-qual­ity lux­ury items, you don’t have to worry about the new vin­tage design­er dress los­ing qual­ity and value after a while. The mar­ket of second-hand goods has developed and become increas­ingly estab­lished in recent years. With high-qual­ity, well-cared-for lux­ury products, the interest of buy­ers is increas­ing due to their longev­ity and col­lect­ible value.

New shop­ping beha­viour.
Man­aging Dir­ect­or Bre­uninger Düs­sel­dorf Andreas Rebbelmund makes it clear: “it should not be under­stood as an exper­i­ment, but as an import­ant part of the chan­ging shop­ping beha­viour and exper­i­ence”. Bre­uninger is com­mit­ted to sus­tain­able and respons­ible con­sump­tion of fash­ion with a Cor­por­ate Respons­ib­il­ity Strategy (CRS), which is to be under­stood as the social respons­ib­il­ity of com­pan­ies. “The design­er and lux­ury accessor­ies are checked for authen­ti­city and qual­ity by the exper­i­enced Buddy&Selly pur­chas­ing team and val­ued accord­ingly,” says Andreas Rebbelmund. Cus­tom­ers receive a Bre­uninger shop­ping vouch­er in the amount of the pur­chase price in return for the items they hand in.

Accord­ing to Rebbelmund, the response has been con­sist­ently pos­it­ive, whereupon Bre­uninger is pre­par­ing to increase the share of vin­tage cloth­ing on the fash­ion mar­ket by expand­ing the range in the depart­ment store. Vari­ous Vit­eEn­Vogue pop-up spaces in oth­er cit­ies and a per­man­ent, unlim­ited pur­chase option via Buddy& Selly are planned.