Archi­tec­ture in Full Glory

Finally No More Construction

POS­TED BY ALEX IWAN, 05. Septem­ber 2024

Good­bye! Tschö! Adi­os! The long-stand­ing con­struc­tion site around the Kö-Bogen has finally become a thing of the past, and the rear part of the area is already emer­ging as a new favor­ite for many. Keyword: Düsseldorf’s new shop­ping cen­ter. Fol­low­ing the motto “Back is the new front,” numer­ous vis­it­ors are gath­er­ing at Haus Hofgarten to enjoy the last sum­mer days of the year on the steps by the water.

The build­ing ensemble, designed by inter­na­tion­ally renowned star archi­tect Daniel Libeskind—who also cre­ated the fam­ous Jew­ish Museum in Berlin—shines in full splendor. Libeskind’s green spaces along the out­er walls of the build­ing blend seam­lessly into the city­scape, com­plet­ing the icon­ic glit­ter­ing façade, which is loc­ated near the Hofgarten. This newly cre­ated oas­is of tran­quil­ity provides a wel­come retreat from the hustle and bustle along Königsallee.

The fash­ion world has also dis­covered the area: Bre­uninger is util­iz­ing the impress­ive back­drop behind the Kö-Bogen to show­case this year’s Fall/Winter col­lec­tion. After the extra­vag­ant fash­ion shows by the water in recent years, this is a refresh­ing change for vis­it­ors. Thou­sands of spec­tat­ors are enjoy­ing the open-air show right next to the flag­ship store. With live music and late-night shop­ping, the life­style com­pany is bring­ing fash­ion into an urb­an context.

With the long-awaited com­ple­tion, the back­drop now har­mo­ni­ously integ­rates into the sur­round­ing Schad­owstraße and Joachim-Erwin-Platz. These spaces not only attract fash­ion enthu­si­asts and vis­it­ors to our beau­ti­ful city on the Rhine, but also give the area a fresh, mod­ern char­ac­ter. The loc­al gast­ro­nomy has also benefited from the neighborhood’s new splendor: Pop­u­lar res­taur­ants and bars, such as Eduard’s by Bre­uninger, invite guests to unwind and enjoy relaxed even­ings with a drink in hand..

Cred­it: Sven Kubeile
