Col­lec­ted anec­dotes and little stories



What do a Nor­we­gi­an saus­age, a swift hotel and a sleep­ing sky­scraper have in com­mon? Quite simply: my Kö-Bogen guided tours. They play a role when I go around the houses — Haus Hofgarten and Haus König­sallee to be pre­cise — and tell stor­ies. For as long as I can remem­ber — in rela­tion to the Kö-Bogen — I have liked to do the tours per­son­ally. It is simply excit­ing to see which people are inter­ested in Kö-Bogen and what drives them to learn more about the star archi­tect Daniel Libe­s­kind and the great task of urb­an devel­op­ment that the Kö-Bogen has suc­cess­fully taken on. But the tours are always also a piece of per­son­al his­tory, my anec­dotes that I have col­lec­ted over the years there. The Nor­we­gi­an saus­age was giv­en to me by a very nice group of archi­tects from Nor­way — after a guided tour, where they were all very happy about the beau­ti­ful, quiet, clean under­ground car park. Anoth­er les­son learned. The swifts are also an import­ant part, they hov­er above the roofs of the Kö-Bogen, where we have a cooper­a­tion with the Nature Con­ser­va­tion Soci­ety. The birds and insects have been giv­en their own spe­cially designed homes — up on the roof of Kö-Bogen it is always windy, very quiet and you can look down on Düs­sel­dorf so won­der­fully. Very few people know this, because the roof area is not open to the pub­lic.
Com­pared to the Dre­is­cheiben­haus, the Kö-Bogen is more of the “sleep­ing” type, i.e. a hori­zont­al high-rise.But it’s nev­er really sleepy here, because espe­cially in sum­mer there’s a lot going on. The people of Düs­sel­dorf dance open-air tango and salsa. And we also have our sights set on the new life­style tours — there are now stops with drinks and snacks to get to know the culin­ary side of the Kö-Bogen. Only the Nor­we­gi­an saus­age is missing.

Foto­cre­d­it: Andraes Endermann