10 years Kö-Bogen!!

An event­ful year around Kö-Bogen — congratulations!


Kö-Bogen is cel­eb­rat­ing its 10th anniversary and looks back on a fant­ast­ic suc­cess story and its great sig­ni­fic­ance for the city of Düsseldorf.

Since years Kö-Bogen is so much more than just a defin­ing archi­tec­tur­al struc­ture in the sil­hou­ette of the state cap­it­al for the people of Düs­sel­dorf. Since its open­ing in 2013, the build­ing has developed into the heart of the city. Kö-Bogen has gradu­ally become an import­ant meet­ing place for Düsseldorf’s res­id­ents and vis­it­ors. Shop­ping, culin­ary delights or music — there was nev­er a trace of bore­dom here. With a stead­ily increas­ing and var­ied pro­gramme of events, more and more enthu­si­ast­ic people have been drawn to Kö-Bogen over the years. Be it at one of the numer­ous after-work events, the annu­al glam­or­ous fash­ion cat­walk or one of the per­son­al guided tours around the premises of the archi­tec­tur­al mas­ter­piece — this year is no exception.

There are excit­ing high­lights and events on the agenda. The open-air sea­son has already begun with the pop­u­lar dance event “Tango und Salsa am Kö-Bogen”. Up to and includ­ing Septem­ber, the tango nights will take place once a month on Mondays and the salsa nights on Thursdays. The monthly after-work format, Kö-Bogen Sun­down­er Lounge, starts on 15 June. Here, guests can relax at the end of the work­ing day with drinks & food and trendy chil­lout sounds. In addi­tion, every Thursday dur­ing the Sun­down­er there is a cooper­a­tion with NABU Düs­sel­dorf. Mobile phones, smart­phones and accessor­ies such as char­ging cables, head­sets and power sup­ply units can be handed in.  The pro­ceeds go to NABU’s Ger­many-wide insect fund, which fin­ances import­ant pro­jects to pro­tect the envir­on­ment. A heart­felt event will take place on the anniversary week­end: A chartiy action in cooper­a­tion with the Herzwerk ini­ti­at­ive. Again and again, the Kö-Bogen act­ively cam­paigns against poverty in old age. The birth­day cam­paign is sup­por­ted by Jenny Jür­gens, Chair­wo­man of the Herzwerk Board of Trust­ees. On this day, employ­ees of Art-Invest and the PR agency textschwest­er will vol­un­tar­ily hand out Kö-Bogen spe­ci­al­it­ies such as fine pastries from Pas­tic­cer­ia Poc­cino in exchange for a dona­tion; Kö-Bogen will add to the dona­tion amount at the end of the campaign.

Foto­cre­d­it: Düs­sel­dorf Tourismus