Foto­cre­d­it: Bernd Wichmann

Before Tesla…now Joop!

Kö-Bogen shows new retail concept


In the new JOOP! store, the newly developed inter­na­tion­al JOOP! shop­fit­ting concept is also being imple­men­ted for the first time, thus resta­ging the brand world in a mod­ern and con­tem­por­ary way. Accord­ing to the motto “The Product is the Hero”, the focus is on the indi­vidu­al product, which is put in the lime­light in an eye-catch­ing way by a mod­ern light­ing design.

“With our new JOOP! brand store in Düsseldorf’s prime shop­ping loc­a­tion, we are tak­ing the next stra­tegic step as a premi­um brand, set­ting an example in chal­len­ging times and offer­ing cus­tom­ers a shop­ping exper­i­ence that is both excit­ing and relaxed. Düs­sel­dorf, as an import­ant fash­ion loc­a­tion in Ger­many, was par­tic­u­larly close to our hearts as part of our retail expan­sion,” explains JOOP! Man­aging Brand Dir­ect­or, Thor­sten Stiebing.

The impress­ive store concept emphas­izes the present­a­tion of the goods and plays with con­trast­ing design and archi­tec­tur­al ele­ments. Mater­i­als such as white lacquered wood mater­i­als, leath­er and met­al are used in com­bin­a­tion with CI col­ors and compositions.

Con­clu­sion: A lot to exper­i­ence and many beau­ti­ful out­fit ideas for shop­ping and fash­ion fans.