Foto: Andreas Endermann 
Foto: Andreas Endermann
Foto: Andreas Endermann 

Culin­ary Delights with Laura Koerv­er at the Miele Exper­i­ence Cen­ter in Kö-Bogen

“Keep It Easy”

POS­TED BY ALEX IWAN, 15. April 2024

On April 9th, the Miele Exper­i­ence Cen­ter in Kö-Bogen was trans­formed into a stage of culin­ary inspir­a­tion and con­scious enjoy­ment. Under the motto of her newly released cook­book “Keep It Easy”, Laura Koerv­er, a pion­eer of simple yet extraordin­ary cuisine, led an even­ing that allowed guests to exper­i­ence the import­ance of healthy eat­ing with all their senses.

Laura Koerv­er, author and food entre­pren­eur, shared her under­stand­ing of culin­ary trends and her per­son­al insights into the integ­ra­tion of high-qual­ity nutri­tion into a dynam­ic life­style. Her exper­i­ence as a busi­ness­wo­man and moth­er, who incor­por­ates healthy eat­ing habits into a busy daily routine, sparked lively dis­cus­sions among the 53 guests in attendance.

Along­side these inspir­ing dia­logues, the Miele team metic­u­lously presen­ted healthy delights selec­ted from Laura’s new cook­book “Keep It Easy”. These sig­na­ture dishes high­lighted that qual­ity and taste go hand in hand and raised aware­ness of how essen­tial good and nutri­ent-rich food is for our well-being. In times when there is a high rate of nutri­tion-related health prob­lems like dia­betes or car­di­ovas­cu­lar dis­eases, this even­ing demon­strated that a switch to a nutri­ent-rich diet – plen­ti­ful in veget­ables, fruits, and whole grains – is key to a health­i­er life.

This event delight­fully illus­trated the grow­ing demand for sus­tain­able and healthy nutrition.

As the per­fect host, the Miele Exper­i­ence Cen­ter in Kö-Bogen, with its top-notch con­sult­ing and innov­at­ive product present­a­tions, provided the ideal set­ting to exper­i­ence Laura Koerver’s philo­sophies. An even­ing full of inspir­a­tion, exchange, and culin­ary dis­cov­er­ies that will res­on­ate for a long time. It was a night that showed healthy cuisine can be simple, tasty, and an integ­ral part of an act­ive lifestyle.

To crown the even­ing, the Miele team dis­trib­uted Laura Koerver’s new cook­book “Keep It Easy” as a last­ing memento, which guests could have per­son­ally signed by her.