Kö-Bogen loves Clas­sic Cars 2023

His­torHis­tor­ic Super­cars at Kö-Bogen

A spe­cial exper­i­ence awaited Düs­sel­dorf res­id­ents and vis­it­ors at Kö-Bogen on July 15, 2023, when Bernhard Kerkloh and his team from Movendi brought 25 rare vin­tage cars to the city spe­cific­ally for this occa­sion. Against the impress­ive back­drop of the Kö-Bogen designed by archi­tec­tur­al legend Daniel Libe­s­kind, the col­lect­ors show­cased their auto­mot­ive treas­ures. The auto­mot­ive enthu­si­ast scene around Düs­sel­dorf is renowned, attract­ing col­lect­ors and enthu­si­asts from Düs­sel­dorf, Cologne, Aachen, and the sur­round­ing areas to this event.

Foto­cre­d­it: Hoj­abr Riahi