Sun, sum­mer hol­i­days, and every­one away?

There’s some­thing hap­pen­ing at Kö-Bogen in every season

POS­TED BY ALEX IWAN, 05. August 2024

At Kö-Bogen, vaca­tions don’t mat­ter because there’s always some­thing hap­pen­ing here, no mat­ter the sea­son. It’s the all-weath­er hub of urb­an hot­spots, so to speak. Why is that? It’s not just the weath­er – it’s more about a dif­fer­ent kind of meas­ure that can­’t be quan­ti­fied but can be felt: passion!

We’ve seen a tango group dan­cing in nasty, dreary rain – incred­ible, those images. Dur­ing intense heat, there have been fash­ion shows with large audi­ences; they might have pre­ferred the pool, but Düs­sel­dor­fi­ans don’t miss fash­ion shows at the Kö-Bogen because they are pas­sion­ately well done. The events are usu­ally a beau­ti­fully wrapped love let­ter to Ins­tagram, because in front of the glit­ter­ing facade by star archi­tect Daniel Libe­s­kind, even a potato sack looks fantastic.

That’s why, in the sum­mer, vin­tage cars roll in – vehicles that have aged beau­ti­fully and take their anti-aging tour to the Kö-Bogen. It’s still young, just 11 years old. Pub­lic events are very pop­u­lar, like Sun­set & Net­work­ing by Kö-Bogen (among oth­ers, on the occa­sion of DFD), archi­tec­ture tours, salsa nights, clas­sic car exhib­i­tions, large fash­ion events by Bre­uninger, cook­ing classes by the Miele Exper­i­ence Cen­ter, and much more. The hunt­ing sea­son will soon be open again when Bre­uninger shows its next new col­lec­tion, when all the win­dows are filled with new trends, and the place becomes a source of inspir­a­tion. It takes me about 10 minutes to circle the Kö-Bogen, make a round and see what’s hap­pen­ing. It usu­ally takes longer, and I quickly grab a gelato or some­thing else. The pas­sion with which people fill the Kö-Bogen with life always has dif­fer­ent col­ors, dif­fer­ent facets, new inspir­a­tion. And in the end, it’s just like the first big break: every­one meets up – and every­one knows each oth­er. Wheth­er it’s sum­mer or winter.

Fotos: Andreas Endermann 



Photo : Andreas Endermann