The Kö-Bogen provides spaces that are com­pletely remote and almost inac­cess­ible — just not for insects and birds! I love being on the roof of the Kö-Bogen with a fant­ast­ic view on Düs­sel­dorf. But the best thing is: There is a lot going on here, because a small nature reserve has been cre­ated up there too. A real green building!

Five cus­tom-made insect hotels have been built espe­cially for the Kö-Bogen, equipped with appro­pri­ate nest­ing mater­i­als. The small stain­less steel houses offer a new home to wild bees and oth­er insects above the court­yard garden. Spe­cies pro­tec­tion in the city cen­ter! In addi­tion, 24 nest­ing boxes for bird spe­cies such as the great tit, the house spar­row, the tree spar­row, and above all swifts belong to Kö-Bogen’s nature con­ser­va­tion pro­ject, which by the way was awar­ded the title of Green Building.

How­ever, nest­ing places were not only cre­ated for song­birds and insects. In con­sulta­tion with the NABU experts sep­ar­ate boxes for bats were installed; they serve as day­time quar­ters for the pro­tec­ted anim­als in the middle of the city. Nest­ing boxes, at a height of 26 meters should invite majest­ic kestrels to settle over Düsseldorf’s rooftops. The extens­ive green­ing of the roof area is an import­ant con­tri­bu­tion of the real estate industry for sus­tain­able build­ing in the 21st century.

“Sus­tain­ab­il­ity and envir­on­ment­al pro­tec­tion are major glob­al issues to which every indi­vidu­al can make a con­tri­bu­tion with small meas­ures. Due to its green loc­a­tion, we as respons­ible oper­at­ors abso­lutely want Kö-Bogen to play an act­ive role in nature con­ser­va­tion”, Marco Koch, Man­ager Tech­no­logy Kö-Bogen. This pion­eer­ing ini­ti­at­ive for green, nat­ur­al roofs was developed in close cooper­a­tion with NABU Düsseldorf.