Frau Dr. Uta Meed­er, CEO & Founder Maomi und Frank Schleich­er, Leit­er Miele Retail GmbH Photo : Andreas Endermann
Kö-Bogen Photo : Andreas Endermann

Kö-Bogen Meets Tea and Cof­fee Art:

The Enjoy­ment Cere­mony at the Miele Exper­i­ence Center

POS­TED BY ALEX IWAN, 17. Okto­ber 2023

The world of fla­vors in the spot­light! The renowned premi­um house­hold appli­ance brand, Miele, hos­ted a spe­cial cof­fee and tea enjoy­ment cere­mony at Kö-Bogen as part of an impress­ive product present­a­tion. Approx­im­ately 30 guests had the oppor­tun­ity to taste the bio-cer­ti­fied products that meet the highest sus­tain­ab­il­ity stand­ards. The hand­picked cof­fee vari­et­ies, roas­ted in Ger­many, guar­an­tee the highest qual­ity, sup­port fair trade prac­tices, and are free from arti­fi­cial addit­ives. In a joy­ful atmo­sphere, the exclus­ive por­cel­ain series Kaya by Maomi in Graph­ite Grey was also intro­duced, hand­made and exclus­ively avail­able at Miele. The pro­duc­tion part­ner in Sri Lanka is com­mit­ted to socially and envir­on­ment­ally sus­tain­able man­u­fac­tur­ing.
“We are delighted by the numer­ous par­ti­cipants who could immerse them­selves in our world where qual­ity, nat­ur­al­ness, and taste take pre­ced­ence. For us at Miele, cus­tom­er prox­im­ity is very import­ant, and we appre­ci­ate the oppor­tun­ity to share our enthu­si­asm for excel­lent products with our cus­tom­ers. We are cer­tain that we will repeat this type of event in the future,” said Frank Schleich­er, Head of Miele Retail GmbH.