Kö-Bogen is pleased about new tenant

Tra­di­tion­al brand Miele moves to Kö-Bogen


The world’s lead­ing man­u­fac­turer of premi­um domest­ic, com­mer­cial and med­ic­al appli­ances oper­ates brand stores in around 100 major cit­ies — from Van­couver to Sydney. Fol­low­ing the Miele Exper­i­ence Centres (MEC) at the company’s headquar­ters in Gütersloh and in Ber­lin (Unter den Linden/corner of Friedrich­straße), the Düs­sel­dorf store at Kö-Bogen is the company’s third own address in Ger­many.  “This takes our brand pres­ence to a new level in one of the country’s regions with the highest pur­chas­ing power,” says Frank Jüttner, Seni­or Vice Pres­id­ent DACH of the Miele Group and also head of Miele Sales Germany.

Miele is mov­ing into the former two-storey shop with a total of 441 square metres of sales and stor­age space. Miele itself will move into the ground floor, while the new Miele sub­si­di­ary Otto Wilde Grillers will build an exclus­ive show­room on the ground floor. The move-in date is the end of 2021.

In Düs­sel­dorf, too, Miele will com­bine its eleg­ant brand world with first-class per­son­al advice and inter­act­ive digit­al present­a­tion. Cus­tom­ers will exper­i­ence the appli­ances live in action and can act­ively stand at the cook­er them­selves or indulge in freshly pre­pared samples.

“Espe­cially in the top loc­a­tions of the met­ro­pol­ises, large spe­cial­ist stores and online retail­ers often dom­in­ate the busi­ness, while clas­sic spe­cial­ist shops are rather rare,” says Frank Jüttner. In Düs­sel­dorf, the new MEC will soon close this gap.