Sum­mer 2024 kick-off in Düsseldorf

Big fash­ion event: DFD attracts the fash­ion industry to the state cap­it­al and to Kö-Bogen!


The Düs­sel­dorf Fash­ion Days did not focus on col­lec­tion orders in the trade fair halls and over 600 show­rooms this year either, but instead trans­formed the entire city into a fash­ion fest­iv­al. Numer­ous shops and gast­ro­nomy estab­lish­ments in the city cen­ter enticed vis­it­ors from July 19th to 26th with live DJ sets, dis­count pro­mo­tions, and diverse shop­ping activ­it­ies. In total, there were 130 events in stores on the Kö, in the old town, Carl­stadt, as well as in vari­ous neigh­bor­hoods. On Cor­neli­us­platz, five fash­ion shows took place, which were among the high­lights of the week. Düs­sel­dorf design­ers show­cased their Sum­mer 2024 col­lec­tions to the broad audi­ence, offer­ing an excit­ing pre­view of the com­ing year. Amidst pulsat­ing energy, the fash­ion event ignited a true wave of inspir­a­tion on the bust­ling streets. Trendy out­fits bore wit­ness to the pas­sion­ate fash­ion affin­ity of people dur­ing these days. On Sat­urday from 12:00 PM, the Sun­down­er around the Ueck­er Nagel offered the per­fect oppor­tun­ity to relax with trendy chil­lout sounds, as well as cool drinks & food, and to observe the col­or­ful hustle and bustle. The ver­dict? This week once again under­scored that our city is a hub for fash­ion, cre­ativ­ity, and inspir­ing encoun­ters — and we are proud to be a part of it, right in the heart of the action — the Kö-Bogen.
