„Ohhh du KÖÖÖÖÖ-nigliche“

Christ­mas atmo­sphere at Kö-Bogen

POS­TED BY ALEX IWAN, 17. Novem­ber 2022

Kö-Bogen cel­eb­rates Christ­mas, always gladly and with full pas­sion for that beau­ti­ful event. The stores are fest­ively dec­or­ated and entice us with won­der­ful gifts. Kö-Bogen trans­forms itself and gets us into the Christ­mas spir­it. This always includes Christ­mas caroling.

Enjoy the moment and pause, with Christ­mas songs by sing­er and music­al act­ress Bet­tina Skot­tke. The sing­er has a voice that gets under your skin — express­ive and nat­ur­al. Her numer­ous engage­ments to date include par­ti­cip­a­tion in music­al König Lud­wig II, ZDF Fernse­hgarten, Pro7 and many more.

The Kö-Bogen cre­ates many beau­ti­ful moments for its vis­it­ors from all over NRW and Düs­sel­dorf that put us in the pre-Christ­mas mood — right in front of the artist­ic shop win­dows of Breuninger!

On 17 Decem­ber, the pop­u­lar little angels will come and once again dis­trib­ute high-qual­ity Christ­mas bis­cuits that have been lov­ingly baked. With a cin­na­mon star in your hand, you can then enjoy the pop­u­lar Düs­sel­dorf Christ­mas mar­ket around the Kö-Bogen, the nearby Winter World with ice rink on Cor­neli­us­platz and the Christ­mas-red Armani Pavil­ion — Oh du fröhliche.…