Porsche Design Cel­eb­rates Store Re-Open­ing Event at Kö-Bogen

The lux­ury brand Porsche Design con­tin­ues to set new standards

POS­TED BY ALEX IWAN, 18. Septem­ber 2024

The lux­ury brand Porsche Design con­tin­ues to set new stand­ards and recently cel­eb­rated the re-open­ing of its flag­ship store at Kö-Bogen after an extens­ive renov­a­tion. The impress­ive store, span­ning two levels and 170 square meters, show­cases the brand’s entire col­lec­tion – from watches, eye­wear, and bags to elec­tron­ics, fash­ion, and sports accessories.

What’s spe­cial: This store intro­duces Porsche Design’s new retail concept for the first time, pla­cing the brand’s unmis­tak­able design lan­guage at the fore­front. The core val­ues of func­tion­al­ity, pre­ci­sion, innov­a­tion, and time­less design that define Porsche Design are brought to life here. The concept extends the Porsche life­style far bey­ond the icon­ic vehicles, integ­rat­ing the motor­s­port DNA into vari­ous areas of every­day life.

The newly reopened store was cel­eb­rated with an exclus­ive open­ing party. Around 150 invited guests – includ­ing prom­in­ent influ­en­cers and well-known fig­ures in the scene – had the oppor­tun­ity to exper­i­ence the Porsche Design world up close. The even­ing kicked off with a rib­bon-cut­ting cere­mony, led by Porsche Life­style Group CEO Stefan Bues­cher. Guests were then treated to culin­ary high­lights pre­pared by Mich­elin-star chef Stef­fen Henssler, while a lively DJ set provided the per­fect soundtrack for the night.

The new store’s retail concept is about more than just shop­ping – it’s an exper­i­ence. Based on Porsche Design’s core prin­ciples of Ten­sion, Focus, and Pur­pose, it embod­ies the Porsche DNA in a remark­able way. The lay­out includes ded­ic­ated areas, offer­ing a 360° exper­i­ence that brings the unique mix of tra­di­tion and innov­a­tion to life.

The new flag­ship store aims to be more than just a place to shop. It is a hub of the Porsche life­style – a meet­ing point for enthu­si­asts and lov­ers of Porsche Design. A styl­ish hos­pit­al­ity area with a café bar invites cus­tom­ers to relax and immerse them­selves in the world of Porsche Design. One of the store’s standout fea­tures is the Timepieces sec­tion, where the crafts­man­ship and dis­tinct­ive design of Porsche watches are cel­eb­rated. Here, cus­tom­ers can receive per­son­al­ized advice, emphas­iz­ing the brand’s expert­ise and high standards.

There is so much to dis­cov­er at the newly reopened Porsche Design Store at Kö-Bogen – the brand’s world comes to life in an impress­ive way. The com­bin­a­tion of func­tion­al­ity, time­less design, and innov­at­ive con­cepts high­lights how Porsche Design con­tin­ues to trans­fer its val­ues into the mod­ern world.

From mod­ern design ele­ments to per­son­al­ized ser­vice, the store offers a truly immers­ive exper­i­ence that makes the Porsche life­style tan­gible and strengthens the bond between the brand and its cus­tom­ers. We look for­ward to wel­com­ing you at Kö-Bogen!


Cred­it: Sven Kubeile und Porsche Design/Roserbrothers
