Sans­ibar by Bre­uninger, Küchenchef Chris­ti­an Schmidt 

Roas­ted sea bass on braised fen­nel and potato-olive puree

Sea bass:

4 fresh sea bass fillets

salt, lem­on pepper 

wheat flour for dusting 

olive oil                          

1 sprig each of thyme and rosemary 

1 table­spoon butter

Dust the sea bass fil­lets lightly with flour on the skin side and sea­son all over with salt. Heat a non-stick pan, add olive oil and sear the sea bass on the skin side until the skin is nice and crispy. Now turn the fish fil­lets over to the flesh side. Add the but­ter, thyme sprig and rose­mary sprig and sea­son with lem­on pep­per. Fry over a low heat until cooked to the desired doneness.

Braised fen­nel:

3 piece of fen­nel (not too small) 

2 piece of diced shallots 

2 piece of gar­lic finely sliced 

4 table­spoon olive oil 

1 sprig each of rose­mary and thyme

60 ml white wine 

6oo ml strained tomato puree

salt, lem­on pep­per and paprika powder

Wash and quarter the fen­nel. Sauté the fen­nel in a pan with the shal­lot cubes and gar­lic slices in olive oil. Allow the fen­nel to col­our a little. Sea­son with salt, lem­on pep­per and paprika powder. Deglaze with white wine and add the tomato purée. Cov­er with a lid and sim­mer on a low flame for approx. 20 — 30 minutes until soft.

Olives — mashed pota­toes:

650 g peeled, floury potatoes

200 ml cream 

5o ml milk 

60 g butter

150 g green olives (man­zanilla) pit­ted and chopped 

2 EL good extra vir­gin olive oil 

20 g parmes­an cheese 

salt, pep­per, nutmeg

Boil the peeled pota­toes in plenty of salted water. Bring the cream, milk and but­ter to the boil in a pot and sea­son with salt, pep­per and nut­meg. Drain the fully cooked pota­toes, steam them briefly and press them through the potato ricer into the hot cream. Stir with a whisk. Gradu­ally add the chopped olives, Parmes­an cheese and olive oil. Sea­son to taste if necessary.


First place the mashed potato in the centre of the plate and form a ring with a table­spoon. Place the fen­nel in the middle of the potato ring. Pour the tomato sauce over the fen­nel and arrange the sea bass fil­let on top. A sprig of rose­mary with olives picked on top is suit­able as a garnish.