Foto: Hoj­abr Riahi 
Sea­son Open­ing in Düs­sel­dorf Bre­uninger Fash­ion Cat­walk am Kö-Bogen Düs­sel­dorf, 02. Septem­ber 2022 Foto: Ast/Juergens

Bre­uninger cel­eb­rates 10 Years at Kö-Bogen with Fash­ion Catwalk


Thank you, Düs­sel­dorf! With an event­ful anniversary week­end on Septem­ber 1st and 2nd, Bre­uninger Düs­sel­dorf, togeth­er with the archi­tec­tur­al icon Kö-Bogen, cel­eb­rates ten years of fash­ion and life­style by the Rhine. The heart of the event con­sists of eight spec­tac­u­larly staged fash­ion shows fea­tur­ing the latest autumn/winter col­lec­tions from top-tier premi­um and lux­ury brands. In addi­tion to the fash­ion shows, vis­it­ors can expect fur­ther high­lights such as exclus­ive shop­ping offers, late-night shop­ping until 10 PM, music­al and artist­ic live acts, as well as the oppor­tun­ity to exper­i­ence the unique rein­ter­pret­a­tion of the golden Bre­uni bear by Stef­fen Mumm.

“The Kö-Bogen remains an impress­ive set­ting through­out the year, unit­ing nature and urban­ity in the heart of Düs­sel­dorf. The archi­tec­tur­al ensemble of Kö-Bogen provides the per­fect back­drop for extra­vag­ant events like the Bre­uninger Fash­ion Shows,” says Andreas Stolz, Head of Asset Man­age­ment NRW, Art-Invest Real Estate.

Fol­low­ing the reopen­ing of the ground floor in spring 2023, the 10-year anniversary marks the next high­light in the ‘House of Beau­ti­ful Things.’ Since 2013, Bre­uninger has posi­tioned and estab­lished itself in Düs­sel­dorf with a unique blend of fash­ion and life­style, enter­tain­ment, gast­ro­nomy, and ser­vices. Per­son­al­ized con­sulta­tion, a cur­ated selec­tion of premi­um and lux­ury brands, as well as seam­less integ­ra­tion of online and off­line ser­vices, have been cap­tiv­at­ing the people of the Rhine region for a dec­ade now.

“We are delighted to express our grat­it­ude to the people of Düs­sel­dorf for the won­der­ful past dec­ade and to be able to cel­eb­rate with them. We are already organ­iz­ing the fourth annu­al Sea­son Open­ing in Septem­ber. How­ever, in hon­or of the anniversary, we have decided to make it even grander and more spec­tac­u­lar this year. More extra­vag­ant fash­ion show present­a­tions, an impress­ive cat­walk, a loc­al artist col­lab­or­a­tion with Stef­fen Mumm, and much more. For a dec­ade, our house has been ded­ic­ated to present­ing beau­ti­ful things in the premi­um and lux­ury seg­ments with­in a warm and access­ible ambi­ance. And that’s exactly what event attendees can expect,” explains Andreas Rebbelmund, Man­aging Dir­ect­or of Bre­uninger Düsseldorf.”