Fash­ion, art, archi­tec­ture — Düs­sel­dorf stands for all that. Yet, Düs­sel­dorf has even more to offer, which makes it the per­fect des­tin­a­tion for a city trip: The Rhine with its beau­ti­ful river­side prom­en­ade, numer­ous cosy cafés and res­taur­ants with star cuisine, loc­al brew­er­ies with hearty dishes and the typ­ic­al „Rhine­land charm“.

In addi­tion, count­less shop­ping oppor­tun­it­ies for unlim­ited budgets or for small purses will take you on a tour, as well as green parks and beau­ti­ful mead­ows to relax and stroll. With this cul­tur­al melange, the beloved Rhine-met­ro­pol­is con­stantly makes it into the top ten list of the most liv­able cit­ies worldwide.




The Apple flag­ship store at Kö-Bogen has an impress­ive ceil­ing height of ten meters, huge win­dows, lots of glass, air and light. Its spa­cious­ness makes it an oas­is where you can spend hours and hours. The latest Apple products await their users and numer­ous Apple spe­cial­ists offer per­son­al shop­ping advice and assist­ance.

Open­ing hours:
Monday to Thursday: 10 am to 8 pm
Fri­days and Sat­urday: 08 am to 8 pm


In the Bre­uninger flag­ship store, fash­ion, accessor­ies, beauty and life­style are com­bined on over 15,000 square meters to cre­ate a unique shop­ping exper­i­ence. With an exclus­ive selec­tion of inter­na­tion­al design­er labels and new­comer brands, Bre­uninger offers a diverse brand port­fo­lio and impresses with an out­stand­ing range of ser­vices that leave no desires unfulled.

Open­ing Hours:
Monday to Sat­urday: 10am to 8pm

Weit­ere Inform­a­tion­en unter



The Graf von Faber-Cas­tell Col­lec­tion is the expres­sion of a long fam­ily and com­pany his­tory that has always been char­ac­ter­ized by out­stand­ing qual­ity and char­ac­ter­ist­ic design.

The Graf von Faber-Cas­tell store in Kö-Bogen offers a shop­ping exper­i­ence par excel­lence. In addi­tion to excep­tion­al writ­ing instru­ments, whose unique­ness often lies in the use of spe­cial nat­ur­al mater­i­als. The col­lec­tion also includes high-qual­ity leath­er and desk accessories.

Over an espresso you can dis­cov­er and try out the latest series from the Col­lec­tion – Enjoy writ­ing culture!

Open­ing hours:
Monday to Sat­urday 10am to – 8pm


Calv­in Klein presents its new life­style store concept in Düs­sel­dorf, show­cas­ing the latest women’s and men’s col­lec­tions, accessor­ies, and under­wear in a styl­ish envir­on­ment. The 474 square meter store fea­tures the brand’s innov­at­ive design concept, Chalk, and high­lights Calv­in Klein’s dis­tinct­ive vis­ion. The mod­ern, min­im­al­ist, and sen­su­al archi­tec­ture of the store is emphas­ized by con­tem­por­ary fin­ishes and mono­chro­mat­ic tones, cre­at­ing a unique cus­tom­er exper­i­ence. The fit­ting rooms with Douglas fir wood accents, tex­tured car­pets, and soft light­ing cre­ate a styl­ish and com­fort­able atmo­sphere. The new store in Düs­sel­dorf expands Calv­in Klein’s strong retail pres­ence in one of Germany’s lead­ing fash­ion cap­it­als, reaf­firm­ing the brand’s premi­um positioning.

Open­ing hours:

Monday — Sat­urday: 10am to 8pm

Pho­to­graphed by Miguel Jimenez


Miele stands for unpar­alleled innov­a­tion, dur­ab­il­ity and eleg­ance in domest­ic appli­ances for the kit­chen, laun­dry and floor care, as well as for the best res­ults, styl­ish enjoy­ment and sus­tain­ab­il­ity. The Gütersloh-based fam­ily com­pany now also com­bines all of this with an inspir­ing shop­ping exper­i­ence in the Kö-Bogen — with com­pet­ent per­son­al advice, demon­stra­tions dir­ectly on the appli­ance and inter­act­ive digit­al ele­ments to sup­port product selection.

The styl­ish ambi­ence of the new product and brand world in the heart of Düs­sel­dorf is cre­ated by the con­trast of warm nat­ur­al wood on the floor, an eleg­ant grey on the walls and white ceil­ing with subtle col­oured light­ing. Anoth­er eye-catch­er is the fest­ively laid table in the act­ive kit­chen area, from which freshly pre­pared samples are avail­able daily for Miele customers.

In addi­tion to daily product demon­stra­tions, there are also reg­u­lar cook­ing events at week­ends, to which the sales team extends a warm invitation.

Open­ing hours:
Monday — Sat­urday: 10am to 8pm 

More inform­a­tion at:


A Cus­tom­er Jour­ney at the Pulse of Time

The Porsche Design Store at Kö-Bogen spans 170 square meters, show­cas­ing an innov­at­ive store concept. Spread across two levels, the store offers a diverse range of products—from watches, eye­wear, and bags to fash­ion, elec­tron­ics, and sports gear.

This new store intro­duces Porsche Design’s revamped retail concept for the first time, bring­ing the brand val­ues of func­tion­al­ity, pre­ci­sion, and time­less design to life. A standout fea­ture is the exclus­ive Timepieces area, cel­eb­rat­ing the art of watch­mak­ing. The shop­ping exper­i­ence is enhanced by a styl­ish café bar, invit­ing cus­tom­ers to linger and immerse them­selves in the unique Porsche lifestyle.

Open­ing hours:
Monday to Fri­day: 11am to – 8pm
Sat­urday: 10am to 7pm


Rüschenbeck’s flag­ship jew­el­ery store in Düs­sel­dorf: Shop­ping in a mod­ern and lux­uri­ous atmo­sphere on two floors with a vast selec­tion reaches a whole new new dimen­sion. All brands are presen­ted in large corner con­cepts.

Open­ing hours:
Monday to Sat­urday: 10am to 7pm 


In the Patek Phil­ippe Boutique, Jew­el­er Rüschen­beck presents a wide selec­tion of watches from the renowned Geneva man­u­fac­turer in an exclus­ive ambi­ance. In the watch ser­vice area, Rüschenbeck’s spe­cial­ists also handle revi­sions and repairs and provide advice on strap and access­ory orders.

Open­ing hours:
Monday to Sat­urday: 10am to 7pm 


We invite you to dis­cov­er the world of TUMI in the styl­ish ambi­ence of our store at Kö-Bogen. Here you also have the oppor­tun­ity to relax in our Store Lounge with a great view over the Schad­ow­platz. Let us con­vince you of the high qual­ity of TUMI products, our com­mit­ment to sus­tain­ab­il­ity and our best-in-class ser­vice. Make an appoint­ment for a per­son­al con­sulta­tion, which we will also be happy to arrange by tele­phone or online.

TUMI — Per­fect­ing the journey

Open­ing hours:
Monday to Sat­urday: 11am to 6pm
Phone 0211 86296246
mobil +49 160 5871013

VIP Shop­ping

Fresh Retail Experience

Open­ing hours:


Relaxed tailored lux­ury – is the aes­thet­ic leit­mot­if of windsor.

For 130 years, the inter­na­tion­al premi­um brand has been com­mit­ted to the taste­ful sym­bi­os­is of time­less­ness mod­ern­ity, per­fect fit and out­stand­ing qual­itiy that can be seen and felt in every item. Soph­ist­ic­ated, relaxed, styl­ish and always con­tem­por­ary – the women’s and men’s col­lec­tions are as indi­vidu­al as their prot­ag­on­ists. Made for cos­mo­pol­it­an cus­tom­ers with an atti­tude that cher­ish true val­ues and under­line them with the diversity of wind­sor. – for the unique feel­ing of always being per­fectly dressed.

Open­ing hours:
wind­sor. has cur­rently shortened open­ing hours due to Corona
Monday to Sat­urday.: 10am to 6pm

VIP Shop­ping


The Düs­sel­dorf-based com­pany offers high-qual­ity gas grills, out­door kit­chen mod­ules and accessor­ies in its flag­ship store in the Kö-Bogen. The pre­ferred out­door kit­chen can be con­figured digit­ally via tab­let and then recre­ated dir­ectly in the store. An indi­vidu­al con­sulta­tion is pos­sible with or without an appoint­ment. In addi­tion, top-qual­ity meat and vari­ous steak cuts can be pur­chased.

Open­ing hours:
Monday to Sat­urday: 10am to 8pm

The Otto Wilde flag­ship store is loc­ated on the 1st floor of the Miele Exper­i­ence Center. 

More inform­a­tion at:


Click here to go dir­ectly to the open­ing hours of the indi­vidu­al stores.


The Kö-Bogen is loc­ated dir­ectly in the heart of Düs­sel­dorf. You can reach it quickly and eas­ily.


Wheth­er Tango Open Air, the Kö-Bogen Life­style Night or the Fine Food Fest­iv­al — dis­cov­er our next top events.

