Herzwerk, Jenny Jür­gens Photo : Andreas Endermann

Char­ity cam­paign with Jenny Jürgens

In col­lab­or­a­tion with the non­profit organ­iz­a­tion Herzwerk, in addi­tion to numer­ous oth­er activ­it­ies dur­ing the anniversary week­end, a fun­drais­ing cam­paign was ini­ti­ated. The Kö-Bogen con­sist­ently takes a stand against poverty in old age with vari­ous actions. On this day, Jenny Jür­gens, Chair­wo­man of the Herzwerk Board, employ­ees from Art-Invest and the PR agency textschwest­er, as well as volun­teers from Herzwerk, offered fine pastries from Pas­tic­cer­ia Poc­cino in exchange for a dona­tion. The dona­tion amount was doubled by the Kö-Bogen at the end of the campaign.