Calv­in Klein Opens at Kö-Bogen

Influ­en­cer and Fash­ion Enthu­si­asts at the Grand Open­ing of the Styl­ish New Store

POS­TED BY ALEX IWAN, 27. Mai 2024

Last Thursday, Calv­in Klein cel­eb­rated the offi­cial open­ing of its new Calv­in Klein store in Kö-Bogen. Along with around 200 invited guests, the fash­ion com­pany also wel­comed sev­er­al renowned influ­en­cers, includ­ing Aleandra Frerk, Anthony Felice, Tobi­as Reu­ter, Fil­iz, Jonas Kauten­bur­ger, Den­nis Boeer, Emil Larsen, and oth­er prom­in­ent fig­ures from the social media scene.

The spa­cious, 474 square meter store, filled with nat­ur­al light, show­cases the latest women’s and men’s col­lec­tions, accessor­ies, and under­wear in a styl­ish and mod­ern set­ting. With the Chalk design concept, Calv­in Klein focuses on mod­ern, min­im­al­ist archi­tec­ture, high­lighted by con­tem­por­ary sur­faces and mono­chrome tones. The fit­ting rooms, accen­ted with Douglas fir wood and soft light­ing, cre­ate a relaxed and styl­ish shop­ping atmosphere.

Fotos: Annika Yanura

