Kö-Bogen — Live on Stage Photo : Andreas Endermann
Kö-Bogen — Live on Stage Photo : Andreas Endermann

Sum­mer at Kö-Bogen

A Look Back and a Glimpse Ahead at the 2024 Event Highlights

POS­TED BY ALEX IWAN, 17. Juni 2024.

Sum­mer at Kö-Bogen in Düs­sel­dorf is in full swing and has already delighted numer­ous vis­it­ors. The event series, tak­ing place from April to Septem­ber 2024, offers a diverse pro­gram of cul­ture, dance, music, and enjoy­ment. Here is a look back at the high­lights so far and a glimpse ahead at the upcom­ing events.

The kick­off for the open-air sea­son came in April with “Hanami at Kö-Bogen by Little Tokyo.” In col­lab­or­a­tion with Japan­ese food spe­cial­ists Tak­umi, vis­it­ors exper­i­enced a culin­ary high­light with tra­di­tion­al Japan­ese food and drinks. The ensemble WAGAKU MIY­ABI provided authen­t­ic east­ern sounds with Koto and Shinobue. A spe­cial high­light was the pho­to­graphy work­shop with pro­fes­sion­al pho­to­graph­er Andreas Ender­mann, who shared valu­able tips on per­spect­ives and techniques.

In May, the pop­u­lar open-air dance events “Salsa at Kö-Bogen” and “Tango at Kö-Bogen” began. Dance enthu­si­asts could, weath­er per­mit­ting, first attend free intro­duct­ory courses and then enjoy the dance nights with all the exper­i­enced dance enthu­si­asts. The open-air dance events con­tin­ue: In August and Septem­ber, vis­it­ors can once again dance to Salsa and Tango rhythms.

Anoth­er high­light in May was the launch of the new event format “Sun­set & Net­work­ing by Kö-Bogen.” In this format, Kö-Bogen trans­forms into an after-work lounge with deck chairs, stalls, drinks, and chil­lout sounds from pop­u­lar DJs. A photo booth allows vis­it­ors to cap­ture spe­cial moments. The next dates are August 15 and Septem­ber 19.

An addi­tion­al “Sun­set & Net­work­ing by Kö-Bogen” event will take place as part of the Fash­ion Days on July 27, start­ing at 12:00 PM.

June brought the “Love­bird Fest­iv­al,” where vari­ous music genres were presen­ted on an open-air stage. The fest­iv­al was organ­ized by Petra Schli­eter-Gropp and Nils Gropp, sup­por­ted by the Sparda-Bank West Found­a­tion for Art, Cul­ture, and Social Affairs, and offered a won­der­ful music­al high­light. On June 13, “Kö-Bogen – Live on Stage” cel­eb­rated its premiere, with loc­al musi­cians and bands per­form­ing at the “Ueck­er Nagel” artwork.

Sum­mer at Kö-Bogen is far from over! With a diverse pro­gram of dance, archi­tec­tur­al tours, enjoy­ment, and cul­ture, Kö-Bogen will con­tin­ue to offer numer­ous high­lights in the com­ing months. Mark the dates in your cal­en­dar and be there when Kö-Bogen becomes the stage for unfor­get­table moments.

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