Kö-Bogen provides a sus­tain­able food offer in the city centre: Kö-Bogen has from now-on its own pick-up sta­tion of the loc­al star­tup DieGute Tüte. You can buy there hours fresh fruit and veget­ables from the region, just like at the weekly mar­ket, con­tact­less and inde­pend­ent of open­ing hours. Cus­tom­ers can select and pay the food they want the day before online via the web­site of the star­tup. On week­days, the start-up founders bring the ordered fruit and veget­ables by bike or elec­tric car to the pick-up sta­tion in the morn­ing. Between 10 a.m. and 10 p.m., cus­tom­ers can open the lock­ers via QR code and pick up their “GuteTüte”.

The com­pany DieGuteTüte was foun­ded by Ant­o­nio Hov­er and Fawad Jac­obi, who met while study­ing chem­istry togeth­er. The pick-up sta­tion at the Kö-Bogen is the first in Düs­sel­dorf city centre, fur­ther six sta­tions are loc­ated in Ven­nhausen, Flingern or Oberkassel.

To reduce pack­aging waste, the shop­ping is packed in sus­tain­able car­ri­er bags made of jute. The fruit and veget­ables are cur­rently sourced from 25 dif­fer­ent farms in the region. Onions, car­rots and pota­toes, for example, come from Nieder­krücht­en, mush­rooms from Lan­gen­feld. The greatest demand is cur­rently for pears, pota­toes and car­rots. In the future, the two founders want to expand their range and offer bread and dry products such as nuts, flour and pasta as well as products from Düs­sel­dorf-based manufactories.

The Kö-Bogen exper­i­ment is unfor­tu­nately over. DieGuteTüte is leav­ing us on 8.08.2021. We wish the com­pany con­tin­ued success.