Kö-Bogen provides a sustainable food offer in the city centre: Kö-Bogen has from now-on its own pick-up station of the local startup DieGute Tüte. You can buy there hours fresh fruit and vegetables from the region, just like at the weekly market, contactless and independent of opening hours. Customers can select and pay the food they want the day before online via the website of the startup. On weekdays, the start-up founders bring the ordered fruit and vegetables by bike or electric car to the pick-up station in the morning. Between 10 a.m. and 10 p.m., customers can open the lockers via QR code and pick up their “GuteTüte”.
The company DieGuteTüte was founded by Antonio Hover and Fawad Jacobi, who met while studying chemistry together. The pick-up station at the Kö-Bogen is the first in Düsseldorf city centre, further six stations are located in Vennhausen, Flingern or Oberkassel.
To reduce packaging waste, the shopping is packed in sustainable carrier bags made of jute. The fruit and vegetables are currently sourced from 25 different farms in the region. Onions, carrots and potatoes, for example, come from Niederkrüchten, mushrooms from Langenfeld. The greatest demand is currently for pears, potatoes and carrots. In the future, the two founders want to expand their range and offer bread and dry products such as nuts, flour and pasta as well as products from Düsseldorf-based manufactories.
The Kö-Bogen experiment is unfortunately over. DieGuteTüte is leaving us on 8.08.2021. We wish the company continued success.