Art Invest Photo : Andreas Endermann
Art Invest Photo : Andreas Endermann

Our Good­ie: the New Year’s Pastry 2024

New Year’s recep­tion Fam­ily & Friends 

POS­TED BY ALEX IWAN, 15. Janu­ar 2024

On Thursday, Kö-Bogen invited around 370 friends, ten­ants, and busi­ness part­ners to a fest­ive New Year’s recep­tion at the Füch­schen-Alm, to col­lect­ively kick off the new year with full enthu­si­asm and anti­cip­a­tion. Since 2016, this has been a cher­ished tra­di­tion that is grow­ing in pop­ular­ity, espe­cially since, amidst mulled wine and sand­wiches, there’s also the option for a quick round of ice skat­ing – the Alm is con­veni­ently loc­ated right next to the beau­ti­ful ice rink of Oscar Bruch at Cor­neli­us­platz on Königsallee.

We also aim to set the tone for the new year with our Good­ie ‘Neujährchen’ from the tra­di­tion­al bakery Hinkel, thereby passing on luck and health. Through­out Ger­many, the new year is wel­comed with sweet pastries. Because bread is not only one of the most import­ant foods for people, it also holds strong sym­bol­ic sig­ni­fic­ance. Here in North Rhine-West­phalia, it’s a tra­di­tion to gift pastries as good luck charms on vari­ous hol­i­days, thus bestow­ing a spe­cial bless­ing upon fam­ily, friends, and acquaint­ances. The yeast pastry ‘Neujährchen’ is tra­di­tion­ally baked and giv­en dur­ing the turn of the year. It is meant to pro­tect against ill­ness, mis­for­tune, and hun­ger, while bring­ing luck and health. Addi­tion­ally, its shape sym­bol­izes con­nec­tion – we exper­i­enced that 370 times at Kö-Bogen! We are already look­ing for­ward to 2025! Here’s to many more good Neujährchen!