Thomas Rath christens Giant-Shoe for Kö-Bogen

Fash­ion entre­pren­eur Thomas Rath presen­ted his women’s appar­el shoe col­lec­tion dur­ing the Glob­al Des­tin­a­tion for Shoes & Accessor­ies trade fair. From July 29 to 31, 2015, press rep­res­ent­at­ives and buy­ers had the oppor­tun­ity to take a look at the fash­ion designer’s shoe cre­ations in the STU­DIO Premi­um Area, Hall 9, Stand E34. “Up until now with the entire brand strategy, we have gen­er­ated very strong and inter­na­tion­al growth, which we are able to shoulder com­pletely on our own, under our own dir­ec­tion. I am very happy to present the expan­sion of the col­lec­tion in an appro­pri­ate way on the Düs­sel­dorf plat­form,” said fash­ion entre­pren­eur Thomas Rath.

Photo cred­it: ©Kö-Bogen