Happy Valentine’s Day!

A Jour­ney through the His­tory of Love

POS­TED BY ALEX IWAN, 15. Feb­ru­ar 2024

On Feb­ru­ary 14th, hearts beat to the rhythm of love: Valentine’s Day, also known as the day of lov­ers, is an oppor­tun­ity to cel­eb­rate affec­tion and con­nec­tion. But why exactly do we cel­eb­rate this romantic day? 

In fact, the ori­gins of Valentine’s Day date back to ancient Rome. The Chris­ti­an Valentine defied the imper­i­al order to marry sol­diers, con­vinced that unmar­ried men were bet­ter war­ri­ors. Instead, he secretly per­formed mar­riages for lov­ers. When his actions were dis­covered, he was executed on Feb­ru­ary 14th, 269 AD. On the eve of his exe­cu­tion, he is said to have writ­ten a let­ter to a guard’s child, sign­ing it “From your Valentine” — the first Valentine’s greeting. 

People around the world cel­eb­rate Valentine’s Day: a romantic even­ing for two, small gifts – flowers are par­tic­u­larly pop­u­lar – or hand­writ­ten love let­ters. But friends and fam­ily mem­bers also use the day to show each oth­er their affec­tion. And even though Valentine’s Day has become a more com­mer­cial cel­eb­ra­tion over time, the core of Valentine’s Day remains the cel­eb­ra­tion of love and affec­tion between people. Because its mes­sage is time­less: love is a force that con­nects and enriches us, and Feb­ru­ary 14th is an oppor­tun­ity to cel­eb­rate this love — be it romantic, friendly, or famili­al. So let’s cel­eb­rate love in all its forms on Valentine’s Day and make the world a little brighter! 

On our Ins­tagram chan­nel, we raffled off eight beau­ti­ful bou­quets from FIORI, which we handed over to the lucky win­ners yesterday.


Art Invest Photo : Andreas Endermann
Art Invest Photo : Andreas Endermann

Our Good­ie: the New Year’s Pastry 2024

New Year’s recep­tion Fam­ily & Friends 

POS­TED BY ALEX IWAN, 15. Janu­ar 2024

On Thursday, Kö-Bogen invited around 370 friends, ten­ants, and busi­ness part­ners to a fest­ive New Year’s recep­tion at the Füch­schen-Alm, to col­lect­ively kick off the new year with full enthu­si­asm and anti­cip­a­tion. Since 2016, this has been a cher­ished tra­di­tion that is grow­ing in pop­ular­ity, espe­cially since, amidst mulled wine and sand­wiches, there’s also the option for a quick round of ice skat­ing – the Alm is con­veni­ently loc­ated right next to the beau­ti­ful ice rink of Oscar Bruch at Cor­neli­us­platz on Königsallee.

We also aim to set the tone for the new year with our Good­ie ‘Neujährchen’ from the tra­di­tion­al bakery Hinkel, thereby passing on luck and health. Through­out Ger­many, the new year is wel­comed with sweet pastries. Because bread is not only one of the most import­ant foods for people, it also holds strong sym­bol­ic sig­ni­fic­ance. Here in North Rhine-West­phalia, it’s a tra­di­tion to gift pastries as good luck charms on vari­ous hol­i­days, thus bestow­ing a spe­cial bless­ing upon fam­ily, friends, and acquaint­ances. The yeast pastry ‘Neujährchen’ is tra­di­tion­ally baked and giv­en dur­ing the turn of the year. It is meant to pro­tect against ill­ness, mis­for­tune, and hun­ger, while bring­ing luck and health. Addi­tion­ally, its shape sym­bol­izes con­nec­tion – we exper­i­enced that 370 times at Kö-Bogen! We are already look­ing for­ward to 2025! Here’s to many more good Neujährchen!

10 Years Kö-Bogen!

POS­TED BY ALEX IWAN, 04. Dezem­ber 2023

We cel­eb­rated – with all of Düs­sel­dorf, for a whole year. Daniel Libe­s­kind, the fam­ous archi­tect from New York, has cre­ated an entirely new set­ting for Düsseldorf’s city cen­ter with the build­ing. König­sallee 2 – an address that sym­bol­izes many beau­ti­ful events and shop­ping experiences.

Our birth­day year was filled with excite­ment: Wheth­er it was the rhythmic salsa at Kö-Bogen or the pas­sion­ate tango dances, every­one had fun here. The Bre­uninger Sea­son Open­ing, with its breath­tak­ing fash­ion shows on the water, attracts fash­ion enthu­si­asts from all over NRW and cap­tiv­ates them. At the Sun­down­er Lounge, our vis­it­ors relaxed and enjoyed numer­ous sum­mer even­ings with a fant­ast­ic view over König­sallee and the beau­ti­ful Hofgarten, Düsseldorf’s “Cent­ral Park.”

Our free archi­tec­ture tours repeatedly provide excit­ing insights into the cre­ation and design of the Kö-Bogen, enriched with anec­dotes. We also have a soft spot for car enthu­si­asts: the high-qual­ity Clas­sic Cars and icon­ic Brabus edi­tions attrac­ted many people and cre­ated flashes of light. There are plenty of photo oppor­tun­it­ies at Kö-Bogen!

A par­tic­u­larly spe­cial high­light for our team and the numer­ous vis­it­ors was our birth­day ini­ti­at­ive in Septem­ber, where we, togeth­er with the Herzwerk ini­ti­at­ive and the charm­ing act­ress and artist Jenny Jür­gens, were able to do good. She foun­ded Herzwerk – and also cap­tured our hearts to help!

The Kö-Bogen offers styl­ish, var­ied, large, and small events in Düs­sel­dorf and makes the new shop­ping cen­ter an exper­i­ence. We see every day how many people, even from neigh­bor­ing coun­tries and all over NRW, come to exper­i­ence Düs­sel­dorf anew and give the shop­ping city a new dimension.

Just as excit­ing, it con­tin­ues in 2024! See you there! Your Kö-Bogen Team

Feel­ing like a Christ­mas mar­ket? From Novem­ber 23 to Decem­ber 30, 2023, a magic­al Christ­mas mar­ket will once again take place around the Kö-Bogen. For the first time, the Christ­mas mar­ket will also extend to the Hofgarten side – and it will be even more beau­ti­ful and cozy!


Jenny Jür­gens, Schirm­her­rin der Ini­ti­at­ive Herzwerk und Andreas Stolz, Head of Asset Man­age­ment Art Invest NRW | Photo : Andreas Endermann
Kš-Bogen Photo : Andreas Endermann
Kö-Bogen Photo : Andreas Endermann

Bon Appet­it!

Culin­ary High­lights at Kö-Bogen

POS­TED BY ALEX IWAN, 23. Novem­ber 2023

Focac­cia, house-cured sal­mon with lem­on cream on luke­warm bri­oche, or per­haps Strozzapreti with vanilla pump­kin and Styri­an oil? You might think that such extraordin­ary dishes are only found in res­taur­ants, but on an even­ing filled with culin­ary delights at the Miele Exper­i­ence Cen­ter at Kö-Bogen, around 30 guests dis­covered that great culin­ary art can also be cre­ated in their own kitchens.

In a prime city loc­a­tion, the approx­im­ately 440 m² space of the Miele Exper­i­ence Cen­ter serves as both a retail space and show­room, reg­u­larly host­ing excit­ing events and com­pet­i­tions. Since 2021, vis­it­ors can exper­i­ence the brand here with all their senses and rely on first-class per­son­al advice.

Dur­ing the exclus­ive live cook­ing event, Miele Culin­ary Man­ager Tobi­as Wulfmey­er impress­ively show­cased the diversity of the Miele kit­chen world in a per­fect blend of culin­ary expert­ise and tech­nic­al innov­a­tion. Fol­low­ing a cham­pagne recep­tion, three aro­mat­ic courses delighted par­ti­cipants with fla­vor exper­i­ences enhanced by the use of state-of-the-art tech­no­logy, while Frank Schleich­er, Man­aging Dir­ect­or of Miele Retail GmbH, ensured lively atmosphere.

Del­ic­ate chocol­ate mousse with a crisp cook­ie and crème brûlée roun­ded off the even­ing, typ­ic­al for the ambi­ance of Kö-Bogen, and undoubtedly sparked sweet memor­ies for all par­ti­cipants. #köli­cious”

Why I enjoy doing Retail8


We call Retail8 the wind­ing tour around Kö-Bogen, a pub­lic, free tour of archi­tec­ture and, above all, the innov­at­ive retail solu­tions designed by the star archi­tect Daniel Libe­s­kind from New York. Just recently, I con­duc­ted the last tour of the year, because even in bad weath­er, the Kö-Bogen’s most beau­ti­ful side can some­times be uncomfortable.

Wheth­er Nor­we­gi­an archi­tects, Amer­ic­an travel blog­gers, Ger­man investors, Düs­sel­dorf press, inter­na­tion­al stu­dents – I’ve had them all, for nearly 60 minutes and 3000 steps it takes to walk around both build­ings. Anec­dotes about the corner­stone lay­ing, the poten­tial for urb­an devel­op­ment, the hid­den rooftop gar­dens, the invis­ible, silent ten­ants from high above, lux­uri­ous offices, win­dows that aren’t really win­dows, corners, and edges – and many very beau­ti­ful and, in part, spe­cial stores and events. There are plenty of stories.

A pro­ject of this scale requires com­mu­nic­a­tion, always, which is why we have also opened the build­ing in terms of con­tent to the city’s people, for example, through guided, free, and pub­lic tours or our Ins­tagram and Face­book accounts that provide up-to-date information.

The Kö-Bogen has char­ac­ter – with its 40,000 sqm, it is truly a beau­ti­ful piece of archi­tec­tur­al and urb­an his­tory – and the mod­ern land­mark of Düs­sel­dorf. Why? The Kö-Bogen is there for its people, wheth­er part­ners or vis­it­ors… includ­ing the team cur­rently doing Retail8. See you there! Happy Birth­day, my dear Curve Star!”


Frau Dr. Uta Meed­er, CEO & Founder Maomi und Frank Schleich­er, Leit­er Miele Retail GmbH Photo : Andreas Endermann
Kö-Bogen Photo : Andreas Endermann

Kö-Bogen Meets Tea and Cof­fee Art:

The Enjoy­ment Cere­mony at the Miele Exper­i­ence Center

POS­TED BY ALEX IWAN, 17. Okto­ber 2023

The world of fla­vors in the spot­light! The renowned premi­um house­hold appli­ance brand, Miele, hos­ted a spe­cial cof­fee and tea enjoy­ment cere­mony at Kö-Bogen as part of an impress­ive product present­a­tion. Approx­im­ately 30 guests had the oppor­tun­ity to taste the bio-cer­ti­fied products that meet the highest sus­tain­ab­il­ity stand­ards. The hand­picked cof­fee vari­et­ies, roas­ted in Ger­many, guar­an­tee the highest qual­ity, sup­port fair trade prac­tices, and are free from arti­fi­cial addit­ives. In a joy­ful atmo­sphere, the exclus­ive por­cel­ain series Kaya by Maomi in Graph­ite Grey was also intro­duced, hand­made and exclus­ively avail­able at Miele. The pro­duc­tion part­ner in Sri Lanka is com­mit­ted to socially and envir­on­ment­ally sus­tain­able man­u­fac­tur­ing.
“We are delighted by the numer­ous par­ti­cipants who could immerse them­selves in our world where qual­ity, nat­ur­al­ness, and taste take pre­ced­ence. For us at Miele, cus­tom­er prox­im­ity is very import­ant, and we appre­ci­ate the oppor­tun­ity to share our enthu­si­asm for excel­lent products with our cus­tom­ers. We are cer­tain that we will repeat this type of event in the future,” said Frank Schleich­er, Head of Miele Retail GmbH.




A shop win­dow becomes a dance stage! The fash­ion and life­style com­pany Bre­uninger Düs­sel­dorf and the Bal­lett am Rhein have formed an extraordin­ary cul­tur­al col­lab­or­a­tion: In the curved shop win­dows of the icon­ic Kö-Bogen, designed by the New York star archi­tect Daniel Libe­s­kind, dan­cers from the Bal­lett am Rhein per­formed cho­reo­graph­ies cre­ated spe­cific­ally for this event by Wun Sze Chan and Daniel Smith. Along the fifty-meter-long shop win­dow front in the Düs­sel­dorf flag­ship store, the floor was covered with a spe­cial dance floor, trans­form­ing it into a large dance area for the dancers.

“Events by the Opera and Bal­let am Rhein at pop­u­lar loc­a­tions in the city reflect our com­mit­ment to provid­ing spon­tan­eous and access­ible access to music and dance. That’s why I’m delighted about the innov­at­ive col­lab­or­a­tion with Bre­uninger as our dir­ect neigh­bor,” emphas­izes Prof. Chris­toph Mey­er, Gen­er­al Dir­ect­or of the Deutsche Oper am Rhein. The shop win­dows in the Kö-Bogen, usu­ally cre­at­ively designed exhib­i­tion spaces for innov­at­ive fash­ion and life­style trends, turned into a stage for unex­pec­ted dance exper­i­ences dur­ing shop­ping, with a total of five slots.

In an atmo­sphere that com­bined dance with urb­an life, the com­pany mem­bers Cam­illa Agra­so, Paula Alves, Yoav Bosid­an, Philip Hand­schin, Samuel López Leg­aspi, Marco Nestola, Dukin Seo, Court­ney Skal­nik, Kauan Soares, Imo­gen Wal­ters, and Long Zou per­formed. The per­form­ances were accom­pan­ied by spe­cially placed speak­ers inside and out­side the build­ing. “Bre­uninger is not just a fash­ion and life­style com­pany – we see ourselves as an integ­ral part of the city. There­fore, it is import­ant to us to address all the con­cerns of the city and share the beau­ti­ful things of life on a loc­al level with the people of Düs­sel­dorf. This nat­ur­ally includes the import­ant art and cul­ture scene of the city. We want to cre­ate some­thing in Düs­sel­dorf that has not exis­ted in this form before,” says Andreas Rebbelmund, Man­aging Dir­ect­or of Bre­uninger Düsseldorf.

Bal­let dir­ect­or and chief cho­reo­graph­er Demis Volpi: “We want to con­nect with the people in the city in a very dir­ect and sur­pris­ing way. The Bal­lett am Rhein with its 45 dan­cers is part of the city’s soci­ety and wants to be present bey­ond the stages, even to pique the curi­os­ity of those who may not have come into close con­tact with dance before. Wun Sze Chan and Daniel Smith are two exper­i­enced dan­cer per­son­al­it­ies and cho­reo­graph­ers from our own ranks who have cre­ated an extraordin­ary bal­let for this spe­cial place.”


Foto: Probe im Bal­letthaus für „Bre­uninger meets Bal­lett am Rhein“: Andreas Rebbelmund (Geschäfts­führ­er Bre­uninger Düs­sel­dorf), Demis Volpi (Direk­t­or und Chef­cho­reo­graph Bal­lett am Rhein), Dav­id Zim­mer­mann (Geschäfts­führ­er Bre­uninger Düs­sel­dorf), Daniel Smith (Cho­reo­graph), Wun Sze Chan (Cho­reo­graph­in), Ensemble Bal­lett am Rhein © Daniel Sen­zek and below © Ast/Jürgens
Foto: Hoj­abr Riahi 
Sea­son Open­ing in Düs­sel­dorf Bre­uninger Fash­ion Cat­walk am Kö-Bogen Düs­sel­dorf, 02. Septem­ber 2022 Foto: Ast/Juergens

Bre­uninger cel­eb­rates 10 Years at Kö-Bogen with Fash­ion Catwalk


Thank you, Düs­sel­dorf! With an event­ful anniversary week­end on Septem­ber 1st and 2nd, Bre­uninger Düs­sel­dorf, togeth­er with the archi­tec­tur­al icon Kö-Bogen, cel­eb­rates ten years of fash­ion and life­style by the Rhine. The heart of the event con­sists of eight spec­tac­u­larly staged fash­ion shows fea­tur­ing the latest autumn/winter col­lec­tions from top-tier premi­um and lux­ury brands. In addi­tion to the fash­ion shows, vis­it­ors can expect fur­ther high­lights such as exclus­ive shop­ping offers, late-night shop­ping until 10 PM, music­al and artist­ic live acts, as well as the oppor­tun­ity to exper­i­ence the unique rein­ter­pret­a­tion of the golden Bre­uni bear by Stef­fen Mumm.

“The Kö-Bogen remains an impress­ive set­ting through­out the year, unit­ing nature and urban­ity in the heart of Düs­sel­dorf. The archi­tec­tur­al ensemble of Kö-Bogen provides the per­fect back­drop for extra­vag­ant events like the Bre­uninger Fash­ion Shows,” says Andreas Stolz, Head of Asset Man­age­ment NRW, Art-Invest Real Estate.

Fol­low­ing the reopen­ing of the ground floor in spring 2023, the 10-year anniversary marks the next high­light in the ‘House of Beau­ti­ful Things.’ Since 2013, Bre­uninger has posi­tioned and estab­lished itself in Düs­sel­dorf with a unique blend of fash­ion and life­style, enter­tain­ment, gast­ro­nomy, and ser­vices. Per­son­al­ized con­sulta­tion, a cur­ated selec­tion of premi­um and lux­ury brands, as well as seam­less integ­ra­tion of online and off­line ser­vices, have been cap­tiv­at­ing the people of the Rhine region for a dec­ade now.

“We are delighted to express our grat­it­ude to the people of Düs­sel­dorf for the won­der­ful past dec­ade and to be able to cel­eb­rate with them. We are already organ­iz­ing the fourth annu­al Sea­son Open­ing in Septem­ber. How­ever, in hon­or of the anniversary, we have decided to make it even grander and more spec­tac­u­lar this year. More extra­vag­ant fash­ion show present­a­tions, an impress­ive cat­walk, a loc­al artist col­lab­or­a­tion with Stef­fen Mumm, and much more. For a dec­ade, our house has been ded­ic­ated to present­ing beau­ti­ful things in the premi­um and lux­ury seg­ments with­in a warm and access­ible ambi­ance. And that’s exactly what event attendees can expect,” explains Andreas Rebbelmund, Man­aging Dir­ect­or of Bre­uninger Düsseldorf.”

Sum­mer 2024 kick-off in Düsseldorf

Big fash­ion event: DFD attracts the fash­ion industry to the state cap­it­al and to Kö-Bogen!


The Düs­sel­dorf Fash­ion Days did not focus on col­lec­tion orders in the trade fair halls and over 600 show­rooms this year either, but instead trans­formed the entire city into a fash­ion fest­iv­al. Numer­ous shops and gast­ro­nomy estab­lish­ments in the city cen­ter enticed vis­it­ors from July 19th to 26th with live DJ sets, dis­count pro­mo­tions, and diverse shop­ping activ­it­ies. In total, there were 130 events in stores on the Kö, in the old town, Carl­stadt, as well as in vari­ous neigh­bor­hoods. On Cor­neli­us­platz, five fash­ion shows took place, which were among the high­lights of the week. Düs­sel­dorf design­ers show­cased their Sum­mer 2024 col­lec­tions to the broad audi­ence, offer­ing an excit­ing pre­view of the com­ing year. Amidst pulsat­ing energy, the fash­ion event ignited a true wave of inspir­a­tion on the bust­ling streets. Trendy out­fits bore wit­ness to the pas­sion­ate fash­ion affin­ity of people dur­ing these days. On Sat­urday from 12:00 PM, the Sun­down­er around the Ueck­er Nagel offered the per­fect oppor­tun­ity to relax with trendy chil­lout sounds, as well as cool drinks & food, and to observe the col­or­ful hustle and bustle. The ver­dict? This week once again under­scored that our city is a hub for fash­ion, cre­ativ­ity, and inspir­ing encoun­ters — and we are proud to be a part of it, right in the heart of the action — the Kö-Bogen.


25 times hap­pi­ness on four wheels

POS­TED BY ALEX IWAN, 20. July 2023

The clas­sic car parade at  Kö-Bogen con­sisted of 25 beau­ti­ful design icons and are the vis­it­ors’ favour­ites at the Libe­s­kind build­ings. With their highly pol­ished bod­ies, the dec­ades-old design objects are con­vin­cing and not only make car enthu­si­asts beam.

Wheth­er it was the Mer­cedes con­vert­ible from 1939 or the 63-year-old Fer­rari, the jet-black Mor­gan or the cof­fee-brown coupé 380 SLC mod­el from 1981, the white Porsche Turbo Targa, built in 1989 — under the motto “Kö Bogen loves Clas­sic Cars”, guests and the curi­ous gathered and cel­eb­rated in Breuninger’s Eduard’s Bar. In addi­tion to the Art ‑Invest team led by Andreas Stolz, the event was hos­ted by man­aging dir­ect­or Bernhard Kerkloh, who organ­ised the meet­ing for the second time togeth­er with his Movendi team.thusiasten beam.

The fas­cin­a­tion for his­tor­ic cars is indi­vidu­al: Some vis­it­ors are thrilled by the rich his­tory of clas­sic cars and admire the ground­break­ing advances that have been made over the dec­ades. Oth­ers appre­ci­ate the extraordin­ary design, the refined details and the tech­nic­al mas­ter­pieces that go into each vehicle. The scene of car col­lect­ors in NRW and Düs­sel­dorf has been first-class for years, and so col­lect­ors and enthu­si­asts from the sur­round­ing towns and cit­ies came togeth­er at this event to be able to present their mobile works of art. This almost tra­di­tion­al event offers all vis­it­ors a unique oppor­tun­ity to exper­i­ence the his­tor­ic clas­sic cars up close and to talk to the proud owners.