Sum­mer 2024 kick-off in Düsseldorf

Big fash­ion event: DFD attracts the fash­ion industry to the state cap­it­al and to Kö-Bogen!


The Düs­sel­dorf Fash­ion Days did not focus on col­lec­tion orders in the trade fair halls and over 600 show­rooms this year either, but instead trans­formed the entire city into a fash­ion fest­iv­al. Numer­ous shops and gast­ro­nomy estab­lish­ments in the city cen­ter enticed vis­it­ors from July 19th to 26th with live DJ sets, dis­count pro­mo­tions, and diverse shop­ping activ­it­ies. In total, there were 130 events in stores on the Kö, in the old town, Carl­stadt, as well as in vari­ous neigh­bor­hoods. On Cor­neli­us­platz, five fash­ion shows took place, which were among the high­lights of the week. Düs­sel­dorf design­ers show­cased their Sum­mer 2024 col­lec­tions to the broad audi­ence, offer­ing an excit­ing pre­view of the com­ing year. Amidst pulsat­ing energy, the fash­ion event ignited a true wave of inspir­a­tion on the bust­ling streets. Trendy out­fits bore wit­ness to the pas­sion­ate fash­ion affin­ity of people dur­ing these days. On Sat­urday from 12:00 PM, the Sun­down­er around the Ueck­er Nagel offered the per­fect oppor­tun­ity to relax with trendy chil­lout sounds, as well as cool drinks & food, and to observe the col­or­ful hustle and bustle. The ver­dict? This week once again under­scored that our city is a hub for fash­ion, cre­ativ­ity, and inspir­ing encoun­ters — and we are proud to be a part of it, right in the heart of the action — the Kö-Bogen.


25 times hap­pi­ness on four wheels

POS­TED BY ALEX IWAN, 20. July 2023

The clas­sic car parade at  Kö-Bogen con­sisted of 25 beau­ti­ful design icons and are the vis­it­ors’ favour­ites at the Libe­s­kind build­ings. With their highly pol­ished bod­ies, the dec­ades-old design objects are con­vin­cing and not only make car enthu­si­asts beam.

Wheth­er it was the Mer­cedes con­vert­ible from 1939 or the 63-year-old Fer­rari, the jet-black Mor­gan or the cof­fee-brown coupé 380 SLC mod­el from 1981, the white Porsche Turbo Targa, built in 1989 — under the motto “Kö Bogen loves Clas­sic Cars”, guests and the curi­ous gathered and cel­eb­rated in Breuninger’s Eduard’s Bar. In addi­tion to the Art ‑Invest team led by Andreas Stolz, the event was hos­ted by man­aging dir­ect­or Bernhard Kerkloh, who organ­ised the meet­ing for the second time togeth­er with his Movendi team.thusiasten beam.

The fas­cin­a­tion for his­tor­ic cars is indi­vidu­al: Some vis­it­ors are thrilled by the rich his­tory of clas­sic cars and admire the ground­break­ing advances that have been made over the dec­ades. Oth­ers appre­ci­ate the extraordin­ary design, the refined details and the tech­nic­al mas­ter­pieces that go into each vehicle. The scene of car col­lect­ors in NRW and Düs­sel­dorf has been first-class for years, and so col­lect­ors and enthu­si­asts from the sur­round­ing towns and cit­ies came togeth­er at this event to be able to present their mobile works of art. This almost tra­di­tion­al event offers all vis­it­ors a unique oppor­tun­ity to exper­i­ence the his­tor­ic clas­sic cars up close and to talk to the proud owners.

10 years Kö-Bogen!!

An event­ful year around Kö-Bogen — congratulations!


Kö-Bogen is cel­eb­rat­ing its 10th anniversary and looks back on a fant­ast­ic suc­cess story and its great sig­ni­fic­ance for the city of Düsseldorf.

Since years Kö-Bogen is so much more than just a defin­ing archi­tec­tur­al struc­ture in the sil­hou­ette of the state cap­it­al for the people of Düs­sel­dorf. Since its open­ing in 2013, the build­ing has developed into the heart of the city. Kö-Bogen has gradu­ally become an import­ant meet­ing place for Düsseldorf’s res­id­ents and vis­it­ors. Shop­ping, culin­ary delights or music — there was nev­er a trace of bore­dom here. With a stead­ily increas­ing and var­ied pro­gramme of events, more and more enthu­si­ast­ic people have been drawn to Kö-Bogen over the years. Be it at one of the numer­ous after-work events, the annu­al glam­or­ous fash­ion cat­walk or one of the per­son­al guided tours around the premises of the archi­tec­tur­al mas­ter­piece — this year is no exception.

There are excit­ing high­lights and events on the agenda. The open-air sea­son has already begun with the pop­u­lar dance event “Tango und Salsa am Kö-Bogen”. Up to and includ­ing Septem­ber, the tango nights will take place once a month on Mondays and the salsa nights on Thursdays. The monthly after-work format, Kö-Bogen Sun­down­er Lounge, starts on 15 June. Here, guests can relax at the end of the work­ing day with drinks & food and trendy chil­lout sounds. In addi­tion, every Thursday dur­ing the Sun­down­er there is a cooper­a­tion with NABU Düs­sel­dorf. Mobile phones, smart­phones and accessor­ies such as char­ging cables, head­sets and power sup­ply units can be handed in.  The pro­ceeds go to NABU’s Ger­many-wide insect fund, which fin­ances import­ant pro­jects to pro­tect the envir­on­ment. A heart­felt event will take place on the anniversary week­end: A chartiy action in cooper­a­tion with the Herzwerk ini­ti­at­ive. Again and again, the Kö-Bogen act­ively cam­paigns against poverty in old age. The birth­day cam­paign is sup­por­ted by Jenny Jür­gens, Chair­wo­man of the Herzwerk Board of Trust­ees. On this day, employ­ees of Art-Invest and the PR agency textschwest­er will vol­un­tar­ily hand out Kö-Bogen spe­ci­al­it­ies such as fine pastries from Pas­tic­cer­ia Poc­cino in exchange for a dona­tion; Kö-Bogen will add to the dona­tion amount at the end of the campaign.

Foto­cre­d­it: Düs­sel­dorf Tourismus 
DUESSEL­DORF, GER­MANY — APRIL 27: Dav­id Zim­mer­mann (Man­aging Dir­ect­or Bre­uninger Düs­sel­dorf), Lisa Hahn­bück, Hol­ger Bleck­er (CEO Bre­uninger), Ann-Kath­rin Götze, Andreas Rebbelmund (Man­aging Dir­ect­or Bre­uninger Düs­sel­dorf) and Rabea Schif dur­ing the Bre­uninger ground­floor lux­us open­ing on April 27, 2023 in Duessel­dorf, Ger­many. (Photo by Fran­ziska Krug/Getty Images for Bre­uninger Duesseldorf)
DUESSEL­DORF, GER­MANY — APRIL 27: dur­ing the Bre­uninger ground­floor lux­us open­ing on April 27, 2023 in Duessel­dorf, Ger­many. (Photo by Fran­ziska Krug/Getty Images for Bre­uninger Duesseldorf)

Over 600 guests at the fash­ion and life­style com­pany Bre­uninger Düsseldorf 

New lux­ury and beauty area on the ground floor

POS­TED BY ALEX IWAN, 08. Mai 2023

The fash­ion and life­style com­pany Bre­uninger Düs­sel­dorf invited over 600 guests to an even­ing event. The reas­on to cel­eb­rate? The newly designed lux­ury & beauty area on the ground floor.

After a gradu­al con­ver­sion, vis­it­ors can now shop the latest lux­ury trends on 1,800 square metres of sales space. Among oth­ers, Saint Laurent and Celine can now show their col­lec­tions in twice the space and Givenchy, Valentino, Rimowa, MCM, Dolce & Gab­bana and Chloé also present their latest trends in a new and eleg­ant ambi­ence. Innov­at­ive con­cepts such as the Etropía Pop-Up by Etro can also be dis­covered. A high­light is the Span­ish lux­ury brand LOEWE, a new­comer. The beauty area has also changed. On 1,200 square metres, everything revolves around the theme of beauty. There are also new shops here: Tom Ford, La Prair­ie, Sen­sai, Dip­tyque, Byredo, Aqua di Parma, MFK, Creed, Amou­age, Rituals and — exclus­ively in Düs­sel­dorf — Le Labo present them­selves in a mod­ern design.

The tour of the area was music­ally accom­pan­ied by DJ Wolfram Amadeus and Linda 0711. Between the cham­pagne recep­tion, culin­ary high­lights and Eduard’s Pop-Up Bar, guests were able to mar­vel at the new looks of the sea­son dur­ing a fash­ion present­a­tion. In addi­tion to Bre­uninger CEO Hol­ger Bleck­er, Andreas Rebbelmund and Dav­id Zim­mer­mann, both Man­aging Dir­ect­ors of Bre­uninger Düs­sel­dorf, the guests included: Dr. Bar­bara Sturm, Ann-Kath­rin Götze and Lisa Hahn­bück, Yas­mina Filali and the presenters Rabea Schif and Stephanie Brungs.




We cel­eb­rated the New Year with 320 guests in Oscar Bruch’s rus­tic alpine hut. Between goulash can­on and cheese sand­wiches, it was a hearty affair, just the right thing for a New Year’s recep­tion that is down-to-earth and inspired with the best mood in the gloomy month of Janu­ary. Now the good mood con­tin­ues, because the Kö-Bogen has been nom­in­ated for one of the most coveted prizes in the real estate industry: the Immob­i­li­en­man­ager Award from Cologne. In the com­mu­nic­a­tion cat­egory, of course. 1000 thanks to the best team in the world. Andreas Stolz, Diana Mein­hold, Ver­ena Liebeck and textschwest­er Kati Rahl­wes! Of course, this fits in with our jubilee year, because the Kö-Bogen will be 10 years old. So we are also plan­ning at least 10 won­der­ful events with our great loc­al part­ners. Fol­low us on Ins­tagram for more info!

„Ohhh du KÖÖÖÖÖ-nigliche“

Christ­mas atmo­sphere at Kö-Bogen

POS­TED BY ALEX IWAN, 17. Novem­ber 2022

Kö-Bogen cel­eb­rates Christ­mas, always gladly and with full pas­sion for that beau­ti­ful event. The stores are fest­ively dec­or­ated and entice us with won­der­ful gifts. Kö-Bogen trans­forms itself and gets us into the Christ­mas spir­it. This always includes Christ­mas caroling.

Enjoy the moment and pause, with Christ­mas songs by sing­er and music­al act­ress Bet­tina Skot­tke. The sing­er has a voice that gets under your skin — express­ive and nat­ur­al. Her numer­ous engage­ments to date include par­ti­cip­a­tion in music­al König Lud­wig II, ZDF Fernse­hgarten, Pro7 and many more.

The Kö-Bogen cre­ates many beau­ti­ful moments for its vis­it­ors from all over NRW and Düs­sel­dorf that put us in the pre-Christ­mas mood — right in front of the artist­ic shop win­dows of Breuninger!

On 17 Decem­ber, the pop­u­lar little angels will come and once again dis­trib­ute high-qual­ity Christ­mas bis­cuits that have been lov­ingly baked. With a cin­na­mon star in your hand, you can then enjoy the pop­u­lar Düs­sel­dorf Christ­mas mar­ket around the Kö-Bogen, the nearby Winter World with ice rink on Cor­neli­us­platz and the Christ­mas-red Armani Pavil­ion — Oh du fröhliche.…

Between cat­walk and celebrities

This is how the DFD sum­mer will be


Cast off for next year’s sum­mer fash­ion. “So far, we have always cel­eb­rated big in Ber­lin. But this time we want to show the flag for Düs­sel­dorf. After two Corona years, the city has asser­ted itself as a stable, reli­able busi­ness loc­a­tion. This is where we have our show­room and where we sell our col­lec­tions,” says Feli­citas Gut­jahr of fash­ion man­u­fac­turer Riani. “And because the Blue Rhaps­ody ship also fits to our brand, we are invit­ing people to a fash­ion fest­iv­al on the Rhine.”

On Sat­urday even­ing, the float­ing loc­a­tion will weigh anchor for a cruise event, and it will do so in front of the glow­ing Kir­mes. Around 400 invited guests are expec­ted. The celebrity dens­ity is remark­able: Nat­alia Wörner, Bar­bara Beck­er, Cathy Hum­mels, Bella Les­nik and Frauke Ludowig, among oth­ers, will gath­er on the red car­pet. Rebecca Immanuel, ali­as Sonja Zim­mer from the series “Ber­g­dok­t­or,” has agreed to appear, as well as act­ress Caro Cult. The influ­en­cers Anna Hiltrop and Gitta Banko will rep­res­ent Düs­sel­dorf. Riani is plan­ning a fash­ion install­a­tion on all levels of the ship, where inter­na­tion­ally known mod­els will present the fash­ion high­lights on podi­ums. Music­ally, the band Par­al­lel, sing­er Leony and the duo Sax­ity will be part of the party. DJane 2Elements and DJ Dav­id Puen­tez will set the mood. 

Düs­sel­dorf scores with numer­ous net­work­ing events

For the first time, a num­ber of events with a large audi­ence will be held around the Düs­sel­dorf Fash­ion Days: start­ing with the “fireside chat” in the Sans­ibar, a cock­tail recep­tion on the Plaza at Karl-Arnold-Platz and the after-work drinks at Apro­pros, to the media fash­ion din­ner in the “New Para­dise” and the InStyle Lounge. Dur­ing the Düs­sel­dorf Fest­iv­al Edi­tion, it’s also Sun­down­er time at Kö-Bogen on Sat­urday, start­ing at 1 p.m.

At the invit­a­tion of the Fash­ion Net asso­ci­ation, the largest industry get-togeth­er will cel­eb­rate its premiere at the Rhein­ter­rassen. Ibiza feel­ing and the cas­u­al-loose Boho style will expect the 700 invited guests on Sunday even­ing. Influ­en­cers such as Alex­an­dra Lapp, Mrs. Bella, Ann-Kath­rin Götze and the presenters Ver­ena Kerth and Prin­cess Elna-Mar­gret zu Ben­theim are on the top-class guest list along­side decision-makers from the fash­ion industry. In sum­mery tem­per­at­ures, QVC will provide the neces­sary refresh­ment with a soft ice cream stand, and guests can have their lip­stick and found­a­tion touched up in the Seph­ora Beauty Lounge.

For the finale of the party series on the upcom­ing Monday, fash­ion man­u­fac­turer Bugatti Hold­ing Brink­mann will come up trumps in a big way. “Today, Tomor­row, Togeth­er” will be the motto when the company’s 75th anniversary is duly cel­eb­rated in the case­mates at the Unter­er Rhein­werft with a fash­ion show at sun­set, live music and culin­ary delights. 350 guests are invited, one cus­tom­er is even join­ing from South Africa.

Foto­cre­d­it: Seba­tian Brüll 

Kö-Bogen Photo: Andreas Endermann
Kö-Bogen Photo: Andreas Endermann


Super­cars at the Kö-Bogen

POS­TED BY ALEX IWAN, 14. Juli 2022

Glit­ter­ing sum­mer sun above the Kö-Bogen by Daniel Libe­s­kind, 20 highly pol­ished clas­sic cars and a really great atmo­sphere among the almost 50 invited guests. A flurry of flash­bulbs for the super­cars that Bernhard Kerkloh from Movendi and his team brought to the Kö-Bogen. 

The fas­cin­a­tion with his­tor­ic cars is always very dif­fer­ent and dif­fer­ent for every­one — some­times it’s the her­it­age of the auto­mobile that excites, some­times it’s the enthu­si­asm for fancy design or refined details, tech­no­logy — love has many facets. The car enthu­si­ast scene around Düs­sel­dorf is extremely high-caliber — people know each oth­er, wheth­er as at this event from Düs­sel­dorf, Cologne, Aachen — from all points of the com­pass came the car col­lect­ors with their mobile works of art. They are beau­ti­ful, strik­ing and design icons: the sports cars of the 1950s to 1970s. In recent years, these cars have become coveted collector’s items and enjoy abso­lute cult status, which was imme­di­ately con­firmed by the gath­er­ing of curi­ous people at the Kö-Bogen. 

Rar­it­ies such as Fer­rari 250 Cali­for­nia Spider, Mer­cedes-Benz 300 SL Gull­wing, Iso Grifo 7 Litre, AC Cobra, Maser­ati Vig­n­ale Spider up to the Porsche 962 Le Mans win­ning car shone in front of the Kö-Bogen. It was a parade of auto­mot­ive excellence.

Col­lec­ted anec­dotes and little stories



What do a Nor­we­gi­an saus­age, a swift hotel and a sleep­ing sky­scraper have in com­mon? Quite simply: my Kö-Bogen guided tours. They play a role when I go around the houses — Haus Hofgarten and Haus König­sallee to be pre­cise — and tell stor­ies. For as long as I can remem­ber — in rela­tion to the Kö-Bogen — I have liked to do the tours per­son­ally. It is simply excit­ing to see which people are inter­ested in Kö-Bogen and what drives them to learn more about the star archi­tect Daniel Libe­s­kind and the great task of urb­an devel­op­ment that the Kö-Bogen has suc­cess­fully taken on. But the tours are always also a piece of per­son­al his­tory, my anec­dotes that I have col­lec­ted over the years there. The Nor­we­gi­an saus­age was giv­en to me by a very nice group of archi­tects from Nor­way — after a guided tour, where they were all very happy about the beau­ti­ful, quiet, clean under­ground car park. Anoth­er les­son learned. The swifts are also an import­ant part, they hov­er above the roofs of the Kö-Bogen, where we have a cooper­a­tion with the Nature Con­ser­va­tion Soci­ety. The birds and insects have been giv­en their own spe­cially designed homes — up on the roof of Kö-Bogen it is always windy, very quiet and you can look down on Düs­sel­dorf so won­der­fully. Very few people know this, because the roof area is not open to the pub­lic.
Com­pared to the Dre­is­cheiben­haus, the Kö-Bogen is more of the “sleep­ing” type, i.e. a hori­zont­al high-rise.But it’s nev­er really sleepy here, because espe­cially in sum­mer there’s a lot going on. The people of Düs­sel­dorf dance open-air tango and salsa. And we also have our sights set on the new life­style tours — there are now stops with drinks and snacks to get to know the culin­ary side of the Kö-Bogen. Only the Nor­we­gi­an saus­age is missing.

Foto­cre­d­it: Andraes Endermann




Yes, of course! At Kö-Bogen, 25 vis­it­ors of the IRE|BS Real Estate Academy, cor­por­ate pro­gramme of DZ Hype, had their own guided tour at Kö-Bogen. Marco Koch, Art-Invest, was the Kö-Bogen guide and focused on “Sus­tain­ab­il­ity / ESG”. ESG top­ics are top­ics for the future that the Kö-Bogen has already integ­rated, but also takes up again and again and is always devel­op­ing fur­ther. In the almost 3‑hour tour, the ele­ments “Pub­lic Book­case” and “Dan­cing at the Kö-Bogen” stand for years of com­mit­ment in the social sec­tor. The typ­ic­al façade green­ing by star archi­tect Daniel Libe­s­kind and his “Cuts” are an excel­lent example of how liv­ing and CO₂-stor­ing green­ery was already used as an integ­rat­ive build­ing com­pon­ent in a for­ward-look­ing way almost 10 years ago. Since then, many nat­ive plants have taken up res­id­ence in the façade of the five float­ing gar­dens at König­sallee 2. Over the past few years, a small city zoo has been cre­ated on the Kö-Bogen roof in cooper­a­tion with the NABU (Nature and Biod­iversity Con­ser­va­tion Uni­on): between swifts and insect colon­ies, there is a hive of activ­ity on the roof. There, the anim­al inhab­it­ants enjoy the peace and quiet in the middle of the city — in their spe­cially made “insect and bird hotels”.

Build­ing ser­vices — an import­ant point on the tour, because the level of digit­al­isa­tion of the Kö-Bogen’s extens­ive con­trol pro­cesses is com­plex. The Kö-Bogen is pure high-tech, e.g. soft­ware solu­tions for oper­a­tion­al optim­isa­tion and oth­er meas­ures in the FM area. Andreas Stolz, Asset Man­age­ment Kö-Bogen, was pleased with the vis­it­ors and con­vinced them with excit­ing insights into the his­tory, urb­an devel­op­ment and diverse use of the EGS build­ing Kö-Bogen in Düsseldorf.