Long­ing to travel

Let’s just get away, right?


You need two things: reas­on­able suit­cases and an unreas­on­able car. No soon­er said than done. The new life­style liason of the sea­son is TUMI (bril­liant lug­gage brand) and McLar­en (one of the coolest car brands in the world). When those two team up, it can only be good.

McLaren’s design­ers, engin­eers and racers travel thou­sands of miles around the world with the goal of achiev­ing per­fec­tion in every way. A racer must be able to rely on his car to get him to his des­tin­a­tion. Just as reli­able must be the lug­gage as well as the travel utensils to bring the team to the des­tin­a­tion. This idea not only forms the corner­stone of the col­lec­tion, but also serves as inspir­a­tion for all oth­er products.

Embody­ing TUMI’s and McLaren’s shared eth­os of per­form­ance lux­ury, the cap­sule col­lec­tion includes nine pieces. Each incor­por­ates ele­ments of McLaren’s sleek and bold super­cars and race cars. All are set off by McLaren’s sig­na­ture Papaya col­or scheme, as well as fea­tur­ing CX6® car­bon fiber. The travel col­lec­tion does not only look good, but also sounds good: Velo­city Back­pack, the Torque Sling and the Lumin Util­ity Pouch are com­ple­ment­ary, con­tem­por­ary styles for light­weight lug­gage and hands-free days.

The Orbit Small Pack­ing Cube, Trace Expand­able Organ­izer and com­part­ment­al­ized Ter­on Travel Kit are ultra-port­able accessor­ies that keep pos­ses­sions pro­tec­ted, organ­ized and always available.

You can see the must haves at the TUMI store at Kö-Bogen.