Kš-Bogen Photo : Andreas Endermann
Kö-Bogen Photo : Andreas Endermann

Bon Appet­it!

Culin­ary High­lights at Kö-Bogen

POS­TED BY ALEX IWAN, 23. Novem­ber 2023

Focac­cia, house-cured sal­mon with lem­on cream on luke­warm bri­oche, or per­haps Strozzapreti with vanilla pump­kin and Styri­an oil? You might think that such extraordin­ary dishes are only found in res­taur­ants, but on an even­ing filled with culin­ary delights at the Miele Exper­i­ence Cen­ter at Kö-Bogen, around 30 guests dis­covered that great culin­ary art can also be cre­ated in their own kitchens.

In a prime city loc­a­tion, the approx­im­ately 440 m² space of the Miele Exper­i­ence Cen­ter serves as both a retail space and show­room, reg­u­larly host­ing excit­ing events and com­pet­i­tions. Since 2021, vis­it­ors can exper­i­ence the brand here with all their senses and rely on first-class per­son­al advice.

Dur­ing the exclus­ive live cook­ing event, Miele Culin­ary Man­ager Tobi­as Wulfmey­er impress­ively show­cased the diversity of the Miele kit­chen world in a per­fect blend of culin­ary expert­ise and tech­nic­al innov­a­tion. Fol­low­ing a cham­pagne recep­tion, three aro­mat­ic courses delighted par­ti­cipants with fla­vor exper­i­ences enhanced by the use of state-of-the-art tech­no­logy, while Frank Schleich­er, Man­aging Dir­ect­or of Miele Retail GmbH, ensured lively atmosphere.

Del­ic­ate chocol­ate mousse with a crisp cook­ie and crème brûlée roun­ded off the even­ing, typ­ic­al for the ambi­ance of Kö-Bogen, and undoubtedly sparked sweet memor­ies for all par­ti­cipants. #köli­cious”